Grim Misadventure #88: A Look Back at 2015

With the reputation Crate have built up during this beta/ea of constantly managing to keep adding new, unexpected bits, I’d be surprised if you didn’t have a few bits left in the bag of surprises for release :stuck_out_tongue:

If you read down there is info on what’s still coming, the news that the hotfix has expanded into a new build to be released this week and various other bits of upcoming info.

The improvement I have noticed the most is all the new visual eye candy.

It really feels like a fleshed out world with all the incredible looking art and doodads that are now strewn about. The epic and gothic statues and ruins look SO sweet. That last artist you hired was REALLY worth whatever your paying him. Mad props and shout outs.

Great job guys!! Hoping one of the surprises will be high level components or empowered relics.

Thanks to YOU, for all the work made so far and for your efficient communication.
Cheers ! :smiley:

Everyone at Crate should be very proud of their accomplishment. I’ve been disappointed by the Early Access model on more than one occasion, and a number of companies and developers are now on my blacklist.

But Grim Dawn’s transparent development has established a rock-solid reputation for Crate, and the the quality of the final product adds to it.

You’ve earned your customers’ trust, and that’s a rare thing in these times.

Ive come on here for years now and I have never been disappointed, you guys have made the best isometric arpg since d2, I am very thankfull and look forward to launch and the upcoming patch…er build =p


Excellent news! Can’t wait for B30!

Hear hear!

love it thx so much :slight_smile:

Well it seems it has been ages since I posted here, but I just want to say congratulations on everything you’ve done with Grim Dawn. After over 6 years of waiting, I am left amazed that my dream of seeing the Titan Quest engine and system once again has finally come true.

I put my trust in medierra, and since the beginning he and his ever expanding team have done nothing but deliver on their promises.

Look forward to the big success of Grim Dawn full release!

This game is amazing. Looking forward to future stuff and expansions!

From kickstarter dream to the final polishing and tuning runs, it’s fantastic to see that distant whisper of a Victorian-motif ARPG come roaring to life with this 4 act spectacle.

The post-apocalyptic masteries are varied and interesting. The post-TQ engine under the hood is enhanced and immersive. And the designers make excellent use of the board and the praetorian crew to improve the player experience… on that note, over the weekend i was cleaning up and remaking some of the mule toons and noticed the new character delete protection. It’s something that might come across as a minor detail on the QoL angle, but even such a fundamental change in character management function feels highly reflective of the little things the devs notice from the forums and add to their to-do lists.

As far as to-do lists go, we’re looking forward to the 68+ steam achievements in a few weeks too… :slight_smile:


Nice to see this again. Also it has been a great ride watching this game grow. Release is soon indeed!

Great news !!! And much sooner than I expected. Props to you people at Crate :).

Looking forward to the achievements as well. But I only expect those at full release, not sooner.

Good news :slight_smile:
Thanks for the hard work!

Totally amazing job to you people at Crate!!
Love this game so mutch!!

Fun to read about the things I’ve missed out on last year, and really excited for the new stuff yet to come.

Good luck with the preparations for the 1.0 release.

To everyone who worked on this game, a massive thank you to you all!

According to steam, I have 279 hours played on Grim Dawn. Hate you all, Kappa.