Grim Misadventure #92: Grim Dawn Your Way

Someone should re-create Titan Quest as a mod. =)

Mods usually doesn’t interest me, but awesome job, guys! I’m sure the community will go crazy with this editor.

Also… I can’t wait for the expansion and this “then some” guy… :stuck_out_tongue:

a more condensed version of TQ perhaps. the original often felt longwinded and tedious. I’d also like to see a re-creation of Diablo 2:Lod maps. And my idea of a quest added to Kasparov that leads him to do research in opening a personal rift gate…aka…infinite storage possibilities.


This! :smiley:

hurrrr, it’s all in my head already! :slight_smile:

Quick!!! Someone mod me my beloved b30 cadence back ;)-

Now i just need to find an art guy… :smiley:

Love modding options our way to potentially create huge player-made overhauls just as D2 or TL2 did.

I’m here not only to express my enthusiasm regarding the upcoming content (and mostly expansion) but also to request the modding tools have a separate startup button just as TL2 does, so in the future when more “official” content is released we don’t get screwed with unsupported files all over the place.

Thanks in advance for your hard work and keep it coming.

I do hope they change how multiplayer works. Show what the person is using for mods and what you will need to be able to play with that person. On that topic… Some bright soul should figure out if we can raise the caps for more people to join in multiplayer games… I wanna do a 10 man raid! :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t wait to put my hands on those tools!

I’d love it to happen, but I think there would be some copyright issues.

Then a Not-Gods Quest. Lol


What an update!
I guess I’ll see bottomless chest in my lifetime :wink:

woo, not bad :slight_smile:

I’ve been waiting this for so long.

But there is still something I want to know, do you think that you would give the possibility to commuties to traduce them ? I know it’s going to be something more to do but it’s always a +.

It will support Steam Workshop for this? hope so

Mods are SO crucial to a game’s longevity. Thank you for giving the talented modders the tools they need to help GD last…forever!

Also I’m 250 hours in now and this is hands down the best ARPG ever made.

This would be pretty awesome, lmfao. Might as well recreate all the classes too <. > Screw it. Remake D3 how it SHOULD have been. Oh wait. Crete already did that.

Wooohoo finally this post _

Awesome, can’t wait to finally do more than just database editing :smiley:

As for ideas…if I’d want to summarize them all here you’d have to increase the character limit for posts :stuck_out_tongue:

…Anyone already started making a Titan Quest masteries mod? I bet this one will come for sure :slight_smile:

Someone mod in “Ultimate” skills for each class dammit! I wants me a Hurricane spell for Druid!!!

Also add in really filthy cursing and explicit conversations between NPCs and the PC so i can satisfy my Tourette’s via gaming.

i’ll have to at least try and do a frozen orb.