Grim Misadventure #95: Secrets of the Three

Oh, this is fantastic! I always wondered how do they look like. And the more content the better!

By the way, a lore question: are Solael, Bysmiel and Dreeg actively malevolent? I’ve always thought they’re dark but not necessarily evil.

This is pretty cool, but will it also work with skills that have cooldown changing transmuters? (Like Blade Arc with Clean Sweep)

Antelope horns, wolf head, and a boar snout, and you went with tiger, eh? :wink:

It looked like a demonic tiger to me :undecided:

I’m sure they’re like every other god in existence: they serve their own ends and you just hope they’re not too far away from yours.

Yes, it will work with clean sweep.

Will damage also be scaled in order to compensate for the lower spammability of these abilities?

Alright, that’s nice! It’s a totally dynamic new system for Devotion then. :smiley:

With v1.0.0.3, you can look forward to a major change to the activation chances of Celestial Powers that allows them to scale with the cooldown of the assigned skill.

2 questions:

  1. Will we know what the %chance is or will it just read “a chance to activate” and we’ll have to figure out the chance on our own?

  2. Is there any plan to allow us to link devotion skills to base autoattack? Not having that option gives Savagery/FireStrike builds a huge advantage with proc rates.

  1. The proc chance will dynamically update on the tooltip based on the skill it is bound to.

  2. It’s been said that this option will not be added in the past.

As usual I attribute poor reading compqrehension to a long hot day. But thanks. Wooooo

Actually he says following the modding tools update. It could mean immediately, or a month, or two. I didn’t misread woo. I was hoping for something more concrete if possible that’s all paavo.

Looks a bit like a dragon the beast with bysmiel.

Oh God yes.

Thank you for continuing to add content to this game.

Very well!

That might also mean that a Meteor Shower with 30% proc chance (30%! wtf) bound to a skill like Flashbang is toned down in its proc chance or by cd?! Because when i cast Flashbang 2-3 times a second it’s during my normal gameplay technically the same as being a 100% proc everytime after Meteor Showers short cd is over. So the 30% “restriction proc chance” had almost no restrictive value to it. Didn’t like it because it’s just uberop. I am glad that you adressed this issue. It rises the quality of the game!

Regarding the witchgods. Let me think:

I hope that we have to fight all witchgods in person for the new items. But we can also decide to knee down, follow and pray to the witchgods which gives us a powerfull augment+ some xp instead?! Would like some choices and consequence on this side :smiley:

Bysmiel: Item with some petbuff and a new pet persistent/proc <3<3<3
Dreeg: poison/acid buff and a cool poison/acid skill/proc
Solael: vit/chaos buff and a cool vit/chaos skill/proc

Looking forward to all the cool stuff coming!!!


Seriously cant wait. Keep up the great work guys.

You know, 3 witch gods, so there is always the forth, typical story setting, I knew it

The update with the patch and modding tools are coming at the same time.
The mini expansion that adds content called “Hidden Path” will be release after that, at a later date.

Oh. Derp. Thanks. I thought the hidden path was I see my confusion now. Right on tho

hell yeah. :smiley: