Grim Misadventures #4: Herald of Good Things

Good stuff. It is nice to see progress being made! :slight_smile:

This looks amazing!

I canā€™t wait to find items like these in game.

I always get mixed feelings about granted spells because they clutter up skill bars even more. Most arpgā€™s only have one visible bar but more skills to fill it up.

How are you looking towards this problem?

Boy, do I ever! That Apocalypse power seems like it has a high probability of making for a fantastic afternoon, or totally ruining your afternoon, depending on whether youā€™re on the casting or receiving end.

Keep up the good work, and keep the kittens safe. :wink:

This is the kind of item that Iā€™d like to see as uniques; a weapon designed with a specific theme and goal and to open up new builds. Congrats, loving it! And the screenie really warms up my inner pyromaniac.
Ofcourse, weā€™d still need to try it in field to see how it works out in practice :smiley:

One suggestion that would keep it even more in line with a burning apocalypse theme:
Instead of 34% total damage, a 34% (or more) to all fire damage increase.
Just a suggestion.

Heh, that would be cool. Although, it shouldnā€™t be as bad as the Iron Maiden curse in D2 (pre 1.13), where youā€™d just instagib yourself once the curse was cast on you. I also liked the blood mana curse, where you paid an additional price of mana in blood.

Keep up the amazing work!

And the Nyte Blayde mastery should prove interestingā€¦

Awesome! I cannot wait to encounter the crazy old hag that hurls dozens of kittens at heroes who encroach on her land.

Why would it be more logical to summon meteors outdoors? From where would they come all of the sudden? ā€¦ maybe from a meteor dimension you tap for a short time ā€¦ would that be logical for indoors, too? :wink:

I would love to have a kitten summonable pet. It could be like the white rabbit from The Holy Grail. All cute and fluffy and innocent until it goes flying at you to rip your throat out.

Then again maybe it could be a fun side quest complete with raving witch doctor telling you to watch out for the big, sharp, pointy teeth! :stuck_out_tongue:

also I love the effects of that ability. I wanna rain down fiery death and destruction upon the unbelievers.

This looks amazing and definitely fun!
Hmm, as for immersion you could always open a portal or something so you can throw stuff out of it, like meteors, kitchen sinks, kittens, or what-have-you.

Like this one?

Nice. When do we get another video clip?

Yeah, but more kittens.
Take the original screenshot, and replace each meteor with about 7 kittens falling from the sky, and you will get an idea of the kitten karnage I am talking about. :slight_smile:

Actually, I have a question about procs in the game:

Will they show frequency chance, cooldown time (if any) and a description of the skill in the item tooltip? Will they be affected by cooldown item mods (if there are any)?



I am fine with that. Like I said, as long as the game establishes an internal logic an sticks with it, I will be a happy camper. Oh, apparently I forgot to give thumbs up amidst my nerd rant. My apologies, I donā€™t wish to appear ungrateful, all of you are doing an amazing job. Thank you.

The frequency is not displayed at this time, but just as with cooldown display for regular skills, itā€™s on the list of features we hope to squeeze in there.

If a skill is not granted to you (you canā€™t put it on your skill bar), it will display all of its stats in the itemā€™s tooltip.

Iā€™ll leave that last one for the theorycrafters to dissect. :wink:

Itā€™s hardly theorycrafting if we havenā€™t the information to go by. Speculation, rather. Iā€™d rather not, thatā€™s part of how Iā€™ve been able wait this long for GD.

Plus nothing ever comes from it (both theorycrafting/speculation) anyways.

The interesting things (those worthy of discussion and theorycrafting) are always NDAā€™d anyway, and once the fans get to know something itā€™s already in the game, pretty final and established fact - unlikely to change.

Not much merit to hang around in forums of unreleased games at all :wink:

Sorry, I meant theorycrafters for after the game is in your hands. Naturally, trying to speculate now would just be plain torture. :stuck_out_tongue:



What kind of item statistics can we expect to see from equipment?

Other then implementing new active/passive skills/spells into the equipment, are there any other new types of passive bonuses?

If you focus only on creating spells that can be accessed through wearing adequate equipment, are you planning to expand this system further?

For example, if there is an item that grants you a new active skill and this item is also a part of the set. So more parts of the set you wear, more powerful the skill becomes.