Grim Night Mod - Before the Stars

Mod is included as a zip file or you can download at:

Why this mod?

I have always felt that the constellation system was a big mistake in Grim Dawn. I feel it forces the game into certain channels and greatly reduces build diversity. Higher tier constellations are almost mandatory for a build, then you are almost forced to pick a set of lower ones to meet those requirements. Plus debuffs are so important on ultimate level, that you need to grab things like Viper, Widow, Solael’s Witchblade, Manticore, Rhowan’s Crown, and Assassin’s Blade. For instance, if I was making a pet build, I can’t imagine not using Shephard’s Crook.

Now this could probably be fixed, and I commend Ceno and Adoomgod for working on this. I consider their Cornucopia Mod to be one of my top 3 favorite mods (Cornucopia, Grim Quest, and Reign of Terror - Equally), but I wanted to try something different.

I have also decreased the active utility of materials. I have mixed feelings on materials, but my biggest issue was with their offensive spells. I felt these subtracted from the goal of finding good equipment.

This mod removes all devotion points & reducing active utility of materials while concentrating on improving other parts of the Grim Dawn, mainly skills & equipment.


  • Level 60 Mastery Maximum
  • 3 Skill Points per level to level 100, 2 bonus points at level 10
  • Major upgrades to regeneration
  • Major increase in stash size (from V7 stash)
  • Decreased utility of energy potions (I want spirit to be more important)
  • Idle time set to 4 seconds (I always felt this was way to low)
  • Potion stack size set to 999 (more room for other stuff)
  • Reanimator summons ethereal ground now (from Cornucopia mod)


  • Will to live buffed
  • Fighting Spirit cooldown decreases with level
  • Veterancy improvements


  • Stun Jacks buffed
  • Grenado, AOE greatly scales now


  • Sigil of Consumption, added more fire, huge area/level, tiny leech,
  • Doom Bolt, added fire & burn damage, AOE scaling, removed life%
  • Curse debuffs chaos too now
  • Blood of Dreg, toggles now,increased regen, raise mana drain
  • Aspect of the Guardian, bonus regen %
  • Raven buff adds mana regen %, Hellhound added more fire to claw attack, buff boost


  • Breath of Belgotian, regen +100% now
  • Blade Barrier, 2 seconds, double regen rate, 25% absorbtion, 90% physical/pierce resist


  • Aether Ray has piercing, mana cost +20%, fun++
  • Increase Spirit Stat effectiveness
  • Sphere of Protection cost lot more mana, no reduction in player damage though
  • Arcane Shield, reduced effectiveness, but faster cooldown


  • Wind Devil movement increased to 1.5 (from 0.9)
  • Modrogen’s Pact, doubled regeneration rate

I haven’t made any changes to Necromancer or Inquisitor. Suggestions are welcome for all classes.

** Future Goals **

  • Add Staves
  • Innate skills to weapons (part of affixes)
  • Greater variety in equipment
  • Some custom monsters to make things interesting

*** Credit to Others ***

  • Ceno & Adoomgod, I have studied their Cornucopia mod and learned a lot from reading their comments and studying their mod. I even used a couple of their files (hope you don’t mind).
  • TT300, I used the picture file from the V7Stash mod and used information in their files to make mine (the source files wouldn’t work, possibly due to corruption).


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