Grimmer and Grimmest, a WIP for your feedback

I have no problem with you using Grimmest for your mod. I do not understand the link to mod template part, but if you can keep the word Grimmest attached to the merged version, that would be great.

Hello everyone.
Quick question: I tried to import my vanilla characters for playing Grimmest (I just copied the saves into the mods’ save directory), but whenever I exit the game it doesn’t keep my progress, but revert them to the vanilla’s progress.

Anyone know of this? What should I do to avoid it to happen?

Hey first of all, awesome mod. Im really enjoying it! The progress from 0.3 to 0.6 is really nice. Less trash mobs, more bosses :smiley:

So now to my problem:

Im not able to progress in the quest:
Pride of the Jagged Waste (Slay Mogara). The mob wont spawn. Killed everything in the jagged waste 3 times on normal/veteran.

Thanks in advance

I have seen a post in this thread iirc about the same subject. Hopefully, someone else can help you here as I have no info on this.

Thanks for the bug report. I suspect that is my fault and will fix asap (at work now, but in ~6-8 hrs I should be able to have the fix ready)

Have you checked this video?

Depravities explained to me just now in stream that you might have watched an old video, or not enough of the video or something…but you are doing something wrong when copying the files…

Uploading a new version now, but with same v0.6 filename. She spawned for me, if this is the manticore you were looking for. If this was bugged before, at least I know now how fickle this whole system is…it makes no sense how what I changed fixed it, but it seems to work now.

I tested it right away and got 4 bosses :smiley: Thanks for your quick fix!

Grimmest Cornucopia updated

What’s new:

  • Grimmest v0.6 (Mogara spawn fix)

Download Link

Jiaco, did I just get attacked by a group of Loxmeres? You twisted fuck!

;)) Damn!

Tweak needed: just going through SoT and I think lamalottv already mentioned it earlier today. Ilgorr’s spawn quantity is fucking insane. I couldn’t tell how many were there, but I’m suspecting it was 5 that multiplied into 15 in their second phase. I’m not bullshitting. I survived, cause they’re slow as fuck, but fuck me sideways. The panic!

Bug report here:

Voldrak the Destroyer (Smuggler’s Pass boss) doesn’t spawn in V0.6 El Grimmest difficulty, without him the way to Deadman’s Gulch is sealed and main quest can’t continue. V0.3 works though since i managed to clear the game on Veteran/Grimmest just fine. That, and the Mogara bug which seems to have been fixed already.

PS: Awesome mod, don’t think i can ever go back to vanilla mob spawns…

Hi Jiaco,

I’m unable to complete the quest “Kymon’s Secret” in v0.6 on Elite. The quest requires you to retrieve the “Eye of Korvaak” from the “Tomb of Korvaak.” The boss doesn’t spawn at the end of the tomb.

Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the reports, I at first used a script to mod everything and am in the process of manually editing all the boss and quest proxies as they are the ones now causing trouble. I made some more porgress last night, but there are a lot of records remaining to edit. Will try to release a v0.6.5 soon with some fixes and the modified proxies I have finished since v0.6.

Glad to hear that people are enjoying themselves in Grimmest.

Hmm…very curious find. Any other modders out there using the FileDescription field to label their records, beware…you should NOT have commas in the text.

Anyway, please test what you can. I think I fixed the most recent reports, but one of the proxies looked fine except for this “,” in the FileDescription thing…so I do not know for sure if they are fixed or not, but I suspect that they are.

Incremented to v0.6.5 as there are a lot of other changes in this versus v0.6. Sot and BoC will be the last places I work, so if you find problems there, it is almost to be expected.

Except for additional bugs, which there may well be now that I see this issue with the comma in FileDescription, I should manage to refrain from releasing another version before v0.7, which should then be a stable release until I get the new Heroes mande.

Hey, I found another quest progress bug with 0.65

The mainquest “Culling the Swarm” cant progress because the Swarm Queen Ravna wont spawn in the second form.
First the Queen spawned normal in the static form but after you killed her, she wont spawn in the mobile second form. Hope its somewhat clear :rolleyes:

Thanks for reviving XMAX! This is the mod I was hoping for.

One oddity I’ve noticed; perhaps someone has a workaround. If I transfer a hardcore character from the base game, and that character dies in the mod, he’s still alive in the mod menu but now the original is dead in the base game. Yikes.

Obviously, I’d much prefer the opposite.

Thanks for the report. Fixed Ravna and hopefully all of the ondeathspawn pools work now. v0.6.6 is up. Sadly, since I am working on this at the same time as bugs are being found, each time I release to fix a bug, you get a build with whatever I am in the middle of at the time. In any case, things should be mainly getting better, not worse. But sometimes stuff happens. :furious:

Check out this thread:

Haha I found a new good bug with your newest version :smiley: You know the Haunted Harvester (scarecrows) in the Rotting Croplands. After they die they spawn the little orbs (ätherfly things). But now every dead harvester is spawning 2 named bosses :cool:

I dont even know if you want to fix it. Its funny and you have to be prepared to kill the scarecrows

Yeah! I finally can copy Zantai and say “Working as Intended”! :smiley:

I did as he adviced (using LSE for making links) and now it works fine since it now uses only one savegame for Main and Grimmest (which has only gameplay changes, not items or masteries).
Thank you for your suggestion and sorry for the late feedback.

Unfortunately the queen is still not going into the second phase. She is getting her animation but is not spawning :o

v0.6.6? I tested that twice yesterday…ok, thanks for the report.

Can anyone else confirm this please? I was unable to get her deathspawn pool to spawn multiple heroes or instances of the second form, but I did get 1 second form Ravna to spawn. Although I thought I saw some funky business out of the corner of my eye…like there was actually more spawns that fell out of the world. Maybe I just got lucky that 1 instance landed in world. Might just give up on these quest-related deathspawns and make then not-so-grimmest…and put them back the way they are in vanilla. Seems like a waste of time to play with every single proxy when some of them have such erratic behavior.