Grimorium Desing... Modding Team

Hey there!!!

Know we call us Grimorium Design, maybe you don’t know us… maybe yes…

We worked with two Titan Quest Mods that unfortunately we couldn’t finish (many thing to resolve on real life), one was “Tromos Arkontis: Battle of Solaris”.

But sometimes you win, sometimes you learn… Now we are preparing a mod to add something cool to GD campain, a kind of “DLC” with some new content and mission… right now is only concepts, but in some time we gonna share with you some news about it.

What the hell says this guys? the T-800 in game… if this possible???

Greeting from Latin America and Spain!!!

Grimorium Design is a little modding team
integrated of 4 dudes, Diegocles, Avalcavi Vindi and Me.

Don’t give us blue balls this time !!!

I remember you guys well. Best of luck this time around. Looking forward to it.


Please tell me you are making a new faction of terminators with their own nemesis!

Why half ass the apocalypse with just aetherials (ghosts) and cthonians (demons). lets have cyborg terminators as well ! i think the only thing missing after that will be aliens

Jajajajaja… no man, thats just a joke about it… and also showing what we did in TQ… but… a crazy genius making biomechanicals things in a far away island isn’t a bad idea :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t give us blue balls this time !!!

No man, now we shooting something not too big as Tromos Arkontis… but no “too big” doesn’t mean less than Tromos Arkontis :smiley:

Can´t wait to see the cyborgs joining to the apocalypse :smiley:

This idea is so huge :rolleyes: this could bring some sci fi ultimate tech weapons and armors to the game, and even the lightsaber from starwars :eek:

Some news coming soon… :smiley:

please play this song, then read this text for a best experience :stuck_out_tongue:

"We are on the island, a island cursed for the nature, an island that is desperately trying to hold the poorly life than still left on it. The Commissar told me the events that occurred several months ago when the last ship arrived from the capital loaded with provisions to survive more than a year, some boxes full of strange green crystals and a new Director for the laboratory that operates on the island.

The Commissar explains me than since the new director arrived, the people that work in the lab began to behave strangely, until now months later, they seem to be different persons. (for Empirion, I know where is this going again)

We arrived on time from the port of Burrwitch and stoped the incursion of strange soldiers (I have no doubt they are some new ethereal aberration)… If we had not defeated then, they had caused a disgrace in this town. Now I’m in big trouble again, another skirmish (sometimes I wish I had died hanged).

I’ll have to cross the entire desert to reach the other side of the island and and find out what is happening in the laboratory… I have a bad feeling again, I have to hurry"

Fragment of the adventures of Salvador Cairn

Check our Facebook for more news:

Nobody interested in the story of the mod?

I think they are just waiting for some contents.

The story is pretty cool, I assume a new map there, will this be a totaly new story/map ? Maybe masteries ?

We gonna do a new map attached to the campain… something like a DLC, new story, map, mission, mobs and some reward with new equipment.

In some days we going to share here some screen shoots, right now we are in concept and planing stage.

Is not to big, but rewarding.

Give lore kurwa

Good luck on your project.

And the mapping started!!!

Here a sneak peek of what will be the mapping of our mod:

It looks pretty cool!

i have that dusty wild west feeling

Wild Wild Cairn-West… that what we trying to create XD.

This looks very interesting keep up the good work. New content, new places to explore and things to do will be very welcome.

We keeping working, the story is writed, now we starting with the map.

I´m practicing to create undergrounds (is diferent in GD)… and man… I didn’t mapping for around 4 years, I forget lot of things about it :frowning:

But now I doing better :smiley:

My parner Diego is mapping the exteriors, he did the escenery that you see in the pic…