[GrimTools] Checklist

re: lore items
i actually found 2 or 3 different lores from the “Letter to Theodin Marcell” spot before i received that one by logging out and going to same spot and looting again

the ones i got from it aren’t on this list

what others are missing?

i haven’t started forgotten gods yet. i have 161 notes, the gamepedia has 175. so this is missing at least 35 notes

from this list i have 140/140

:edit2: i found the rest i was missing, here’s full list (minus forgotten gods)
total 175

There were new One-Shot Chests and Lore Notes added in fyi @Dammitt Thanks for all the work you do!

Just a ‘little’ annoyance i experience currently is that i can’t click through the different elements on the left side Panel anymore. The Checklist always loads up with normal difficulty devotions shrines selected and stays selected on that no matter what else i click on the left.

Typing in the link manually that shows when i mouseover these elements however works and It’s the same thing with Chrome, Firefox or Edge Browser so i’m not sure what’s going wrong here.

Thank you for this! I did not even realize I’d missed a couple texts in Barrowholm.

May I suggest a blueprints checklist? I have no idea what bps I might still be missing. Just a thought!

Dammitt, is it somehow possible to make the lore notes checklist “accurate”/incl all the (current) lore notes in the game?
cheers for the site (and work) :+1:

It was on my todo list, but since it’s not that difficult to implement, I might add it in the near future, but no promises.

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It’s accurate in a sense that it shows lore notes that are tied to specific locations or mobs that have fixed spawn positions, the rest is just random. I can add them without map location, but UI for these notes will be pretty bad :confused: I’ll look into it.

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Thank you so much for this amazing Tool and all the work that you do.
I noticed that the newer lore notes added to the game such as ‘Coliseum Horrors’ are there in the Map but not in the checklist.

Thanks for the report! There was a small issue with new areas not being properly processed in checklist. This issue is now fixed (seems like 5 missing lore notes were added and 1 one shot chest).


thanks Dammitt, for the tool and everything you do to keep it updated and maintained :trophy: :hugs: :+1:

Thank you for your great work.

Please add lore notes that are not dropped on the map, like ““The Bruiser” Romanov’s Note” and “Last Days of Arkovia”.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

I doubt that will happen, there are hundreds of notes that may randomly spawn during a play session, but don’t always do so. The ones on the checklist are guaranteed to be there every time.

I would like a checklist of such lore notes and the function to see if they are taken from a save file. It’s hard to go to the wiki and check one by one.

First of all thank you for making these awesome GrimTools.

I have two suggestions I’d love to see in this tool:

  • A list of all blueprints indicating which ones the blacksmith has learned and which are still missing.
  • A list of all transmogs indicating which ones the illusionist has learned and which are still missing.

I realize that many/most blueprints and transmogs cannot be specifically farmed, but I’d still love to see which ones I have and which ones I’m still missing.

(And +1 from me for the lore notes proposal. I’m just a completionist.)

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Hey guys! Since many people requested it:

  • Checklist now shows all lore notes, the ones that are not tied to specific location are grouped under “Random” category at the bottom of lore note list
  • You can now track your blueprints in checklist as well – currently all blueprints are grouped by rarity and default blacksmith blueprints are excluded from this list.

Both of these can be loaded from character save file (lore notes) and formulas.gst file (blueprints).


Thank you for doing this, much appreciated ! Also made me realize I have A LOT of Blueprints and Lore Notes left to find ! :crazy_face:

Awesome! Thank you Dammit for implementing this.

So I’ve got 557 out of 622 blueprints. More grinding to do… :smile:

If you implemented the transmog checklist at some point, I’d be real happy. I don’t know if that’s even technically feasible though.

That’s pretty good though ! I have 258/622 blueprints, although I did get one dropped half an hour ago. :rofl:

I got most of them from SR runs, and also a bunch from the vendor in the Ancient Grove.

One thing I haven’t figured out: The checklist shows a total of 622 blueprints, while the item database shows 691. The number of blueprints is consistent for Epic and Legendary blueprints, but different for Magic and Rare.