Ground effects in SR are still unapparent and disproportionally strong

I vire into a room and get my 15k hp deleted in 0.5 secs. All res are overcapped by 30%+, 30%+ phys res, 2k armor. Some chunks are a pure slog trying to find enemies to kill, and chunks like this, with tight tunnels and random ground effects, are impossible to safely navigate.

I think these ground dmg things in SR need to amplify mobs and debuff you, rather than having 3x more dmg than heroes.


Fuck I’m glad someone actually found an issue/wi proof cause I could definitely tell that some of my deaths in SR legit ain’t a pilot error.

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What ground effects?

I could be very wrong but my bet is in the red crystal shot gunning you with everything else going on.

If that’s not the case, :man_shrugging:

I sympathize though. I lost 4 HC characters in the last 2-3 weeks trying to push SR and no matter how much I try to reason out why, I still have no clue what happened. In all cases I just went from 19-20k health to dead. 2 of those 4 cases were very tanky characters (standard over capped res, 15-20% phys res, 4K + armor, 3k da). Sad, lost some really good MI’s. :disappointed:

tbh those red crystals are hella infamous with fow fast they can delete chars in both Crucible and SR


I meant environmental effects - crystals, tornados, all that stuff

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i can’t spot it on the pic, but since there is burn, i wonder if there was also one of those annoying volcanoes

static traps/crystals+hidden volcanoes really annoy me, specially in sewer or mountain deeps map, because there is basically nothing you can do against it.
No skill check, no real build check, no paying attention/reaction because you have to cross X path,
(and volcanoes are hidden and easily obscured in/“under” aoe fights)

it’s just… a hassle that’s not fun


Without a doubt the most dangerous SR map is the mine map where you start in the southern end and it’s absolutely brimming with those crystals. I die in there more than in probably all other maps combined. One poorly aimed movement skill and you’re done.

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I always shared the sentiment that unkillable hardly noticable “ground” damage is absolutely no fun and has no place in arpg. Never once while playing GD (and I play this game quite a bit) I felt like I am enjoying this particular part of level design.

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These environmental effects are tough but you can learn to play with them. I still hate the most the map with three Manifestations of Hunger. By far the greatest spike in SR difficulty…

The two outliers I see are the Sand Tornadoes (they still have -% Physical Resist on them), and the Chaos Bolt shards (because you can’t dodge the attack). Will address those.

The rest…git gud?


These tornadoes are also present when fighting Calla. Do they have -% phys res even there?

Yes, but she has her own version of them, and those will continue to reduce your resists.

There are her small tornadoes but also these big ones in the desert around her spawn point…

TBF tho when you’re surrounded by dangerous enemies (Nems and their attacks+arcanes) and the screen is already full; who can even see to dodge the other attacks?

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True. It’s not so much as a getting gud thing but actually being able to tell what’s going on around you fast enough to avoid being insta gib’d.

Regardless, appreciate the changes mentioned above.

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So maybe don’t stick around to find out if you can’t see anything? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Keep moving.

in a game that doesn’t let you attack while moving, where over 50% of build archetypes literally require you to stand and plant your feet not just to deal dmg but even to heal?

volcanoes are just bad in general, and outright egregious in crystal laden tight maps, end of :triumph:


In a game that apparently kills you when stationary for tool long, yes.

These threads probably pop up, because GD allows player to get used to facetanking, therefore any situation when it doesn’t work seems to need fixing.


it’s not “too long”; we’re talking like 1½ seconds max
you stand in X spot/move to X spot “that looks clear”, (or worse you get intercepted midst crossing), you fight, everything is fine, in the blink of an eye you’re dead, because with 0 warning, 0 cue,0 visibility; you “of your own lack of skill” died to a couple volcanoes spawning under you
In a game that not only conditions you do stand still for more than 1½ seconds to fight, but in vast majority of cases outright demands it, because you can’t heal otherwise from ranged attacks, debuffs, aoes etc, so running can be lethal too…

it’s not the issue of not being allowed to facetank, sunder partially already solved that for some, it’s that the SR maps and trap interaction is so monumentally different and has nothing todo with that.
You need to cross X path; there is literally 0 you can do about this because map design. Therefor you will take X dmg, and that dmg can be highly rng. On top of that there will be dmg you can’t predict “by it being invisible until appearing”
It’s not a skill check, it’s not an awareness check, it’s the definition of not a “git gud” moment, it’s forced random dmg, and dmg you can’t even predict so you cant even guard against it reliably either.

make a tunnel to cross and filling that with 25 static traps per square meter that does XX dmg, has nothing to do with facetanking
adding in invisible traps, that’s not only easily obscured by the default nature of the game/being ground FX(/underneath everything); but also shares exact same visuals as 2 player attacks, doesn’t remotely relate to facetank nature of the game, it’s ridiculous unavoidable spike dmg potential, at 0 fault of the player and just the map/trap design itself, it’s the worst kind of RNG death…

*if the traps were fixed, and had 0 RNG in them with careful deliberate placement you could maybe slightly argue there is a player check, but you can get completely screwed by the trap amount and layout at random…

**in fact the whole part about this only being an issue in select maps should illustrate why it’s not an issue of facetanking and the map/trap design interaction themselves, because it’s unavoidable and out of your hands, so there is no “choosing” not to facetank/“don’t stand still take dmg”; there’s 5 traps in a corridor, you’re just fucked, because you’re going to take (loads) dmg try to pass.

you don’t see people complaint about trap in the other 98% of maps, because we’re not forced to take the same rng dmg, nor are volcanoes as lethal in them/there isn’t the same overlap or constriction

***heck this isn’t in me trying to argue for lowering their dmg, because them working/serving their pupose ok in non tunnel parts where there isnt’ coincidentally 25 overlapping, shows they can be dealt with as is if reasonably placed. But in 2-3? maps that’s just not the case and the overstacking is nuts.