Why? From the devs streams, and from my own small stream, i got a hint that at least the majority of the community dislikes unavoidable nigh unmitigatable damage that chunks you for % hp.
So why, after people expressed their dislike for such a mechanic whenever more of it was added to the game, EVEN MORE gets added into the SR.
At this point i realize that this is just an angry rant with no real point, but it kinda sucks since i really way looking forward to enjoying shattered realm. But f me i wont step in there in HC just to get my character teleported into a bunch of ground damage effects by valdy.
Fix the boss spawns in SR, they spawn on top of the party and start killing you before you load in. I managed to survive only thanks to running a support. And that was in a low SR 10~ and i still lost more than 10k hp before i loaded in.
If anyone knows a mod to disable ground effects hit me up.