Guide for helping how to choose your build!

The absence of RR (except maybe soldier’s War Cry) is an issue, but not major problem from my point of view. I tried physical FW/Devastation, elemental and aether melee/ranged builds and all of them were Ok for at least campaign content on Ultimate. Non-physical battlemage builds could be not easy class for starters.

Depends on what do you mean by “viable options”. Believe me, I had a lot of experiments with Warlock builds and even with weird builds as well. :wink:

What about ranged or caster like Defiler builds?

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Ok @Strannik ,you made good points.

I just pick damages and styles top classes,according to my experience and these combos lack mentions.

I am not saying they’re not viable,just that there’re much better options.

Like what aether caster is better as Defiler,than Spellbinder or even Apostate.

For Krieg build,Death Knight outperforms Battlemage.Warlock is usually outclassed by Mage Hunter or other combos.

So my idea was to help new players makes rational choice.I personally play with BM and Lock and by any means am not advocating to not pick them as classes :slight_smile: .

In the section “Conclusion of Classes” you did not include pets, skaters and shield throwers

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That’s pretty keen observation.Pets section I think covers them.Skater,I see if it’s gonna be added later.

yeah I was just wondering about the “conclusion” part one might think that you draw the conclusion that pets is not good starting build

Ok,actually I didn’t know how good are for starters,but will correct that.

pets are great
and I like my beginner skater and captain americans. You recommended vanquisher set in the “ease of gearing” also which is for skaters

Defiler is tragic for lvling. Necro has no support for fire whatsoever and aether conversions are only attainable at endgame. @Nery This should be the first paragraph of your guide before “Introduction” - “Stay away from defiler” :stuck_out_tongue:

Defiler,don’t speak that name :shushing_face:

But you can have at low level Fleshwarped Carbine,Idk if it’s useful.

Just a friendly reminder that I went 1-100 with both Solo Occu and Necro. So, Defiler and Warlock are definitely viable provided you go pets :smirk:


Oh, yeah, pets… almost forgot about that :smiling_imp:

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Pets,I like them well prepared :yum:


…for combat.I was too hungry and forgot that.:innocent:

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BBQ Hell hound stake please, and a glass of :wine_glass: with that

Wolfoverclocked did a stream on class tier lists a while back, in which Ceno also chimed in
Their tier lists may be of help here, because they rate classes on strength and diversity in their opinions



Access denied.

What was strong back then have probably changed a lot.

Critique denied. This was recent

Correct, I was thinking of something similar wolf did like 1 y ago.

Still is not open,denial is dang.