GUNS - Fun

Hi everyone,

I would like to try a new char with guns. Now I am not a friend of eternally long kite moves to kill stronger enemies or bosses.
What I’m looking for would be good AoE Dps and ST-dps, enough to heal without much kite action.
I would have the following sets in stock:
Stronghold Defender
Darkblaze Garb
2 piece darkgallons

I have now looked at various Purifiers, Sentinal, Commando Guides, but I can not really figure out which one would work best with my criteria.

Could someone help me here?



I had already tried witching hour with pets :slight_smile:
I’ve always been playing my PetCabalist with R-Spirit, your Ghost Build Maya.
Time for something new and I just can not decide which gun build my criterien for little kite action and good defense brings.

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If you want guns
chekout my builds

all threads there is word (Ranged) is gun with shield or gunslinger
based on fire, lighting, physical damage types

mhh u have both Paladin and Purifier as classes, for the stronghold set. Which one would you say is more suitable? or does it not matter

Paladin is more stronger but… don’t have AoE
very nice build for high SR 75+

Purifaer have a lot AoE
very good for Campaign and Crucible

From items you have, Stronghold Paladin will provide the most resilience. Ulzuin set is super nice, but despite the big gun, it’s caster set. You can used it bomb stuff :wink:

Darkblaze is nice set, but Idk if Pyromancer is great class. Probably can be made a chaos Fire Strike Purifier? Pierce in FG is in good state, but not sure about Valduun.

If you don’t want to kite you need to be as tanky as possible, which means like others have hinted at Stronghold is the best choice. you also can’t skip Inquis Seal so it means non-Inqui combination (Pyro, Commando, Shieldbreaker,…) won’t work as well (for your intended playstyle that is).

DW pistol lightning vindicator is effective and a lot of fun, here’s an example

Still works great in the current game version

Thanks for your tips and suggestions, I’ll test the Stronghold set with Purifier class

Very nice choice :innocent:
Don’t forget to craft items for Stun Res