Gunslinger Mod

So, this one’s more for a specific build than other mods I’m seeing being planned out are, but I’m thinking of making an item for the Gunslinger build every 8 levels, either starting at 4 to make the level 20 one part of the process, or from 28 and on, I’ll ensure the stats on it are properly balanced by referencing other items of comparable level, quality, and armour type while making it.

Anyone else interested in a mod like this?

I, for one, am interested in any mod that gets made. The more the better.

I would like to see this. :slight_smile:

I’d personally like a gunslinger item at lvl 4, giving that you can DW swords or whatever from the night blade tree at lvl 2. this would make early lvl ranged DW easier to obtain and would help the feel of gunslinging at early lvls.

Honestly i really dislike waiting till lvl 20 to DW guns, and on top of that hoping i even find the item i need. I always play self found.

I still plan on making it a self-found item, but with the additional levels of it, it would make it far easier to find one of the items while playing through, and help with ensuring your piece doesn’t fall behind in levels.