Happy New Year! Let's Talk V1.1.9.5/6

The only way retal AAR will ever be close to playable is if the mod is on a shield that specifically also enables AAR. You guys never learned from retal FoI.

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Pierce AAR is not very strong. It’s worse than phys, aether, aether/vit, fire, chaos and probably lightning too.

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Its a typical blessing crucible char like 90% of all forum chars. Its playable but not strong. :smiley: And rather below average like a cold AAR. USELESS! :wink:

Retal Callidor’s Tempest hides in the corner sobbing, “why does nobody look at me?”

Onto some niche things I’ve been experimenting with: Cold Righteous Fervor
Available with one melee weapon and practically nothing else. Heck, the top performing Cold RF build is a Deathmarked Set build that hardly even places points in RF.

For ranged, there’s one gun that does Elemental damage and that’s it. So I pull off some Silverbolt shenanigans and come up with this: Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator Obviously weapon damage looks weak on Grimtools, but in game I believe it’s roughly 143K DPS with RF thanks to all the conversions.

First thing that’s apparent is the DA. Oh mighty, that DA. Can we please raise the DA on Deathguard Sigil from 18 to something like 45? If you want to use the Iceskorn gloves for more damage, these rings are the only thing giving Cold damage and points to Righteous Fervor, and when rings can give 70-100 OA/DA at a time, this pittance amount is a mockery.

This build makes it to the boss-room alright in SR75-76 (no way I’m trying a no pass-through gunner in Crucible), but is very prone to being burst down by Crits, so I imagine getting DA back to acceptable levels like 2800 would bring it just over the hump to being viable. Outside of replacing Toad with Quill, there’s not much I can devotion-wise, as switching from the Ultos set-up I have to a Leviathan set-up tanks all of my other stats, including much-need Physical Resistance.

I think Cold RF would be alright as a niche option once the stats problem gets fixed. Damage appears to be alright for SR75-76, as long as I don’t dive into a pack of Heroes like an idiot.


Can we get both forcewave bonuses on Mythical Earthsplitter changed to something more relevant to Earthsplitter’s actual use as an AA weapon? At this point, they’re artifacts from when forcewave had pierce damage on it, and every relevant set and piece of 1H forcewave gear is dedicated to IT. That’s on top of 1H forcewave being mediocre anyway.

Either that or give it similar mods to Amarastan crusher to enable 1H spam forcewave.

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wondering if acid builds could get some love in the CC res department? specifically freeze res and slow res
(maybe also some phys res icing on the cake?)


is psyhical dmg aar worth now when is resisted by armor and psyhical resist


And Phys damage is the “strongest” damage type now, even after nerfs aar still good

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I also wanna point at a problem that is called “thematic resists”, like lightning res on li items, acid res on acid ones etc.
I think it’s time to change some of them cuz except this “thematic” value they do literally nothing (okay, having a 300% single resist overcap).
here are some examples -
Ultos set. 60% for 3 pieces.
Hellforge pants - also 60% fire res.
Ignaffar’s gloves - 50% fire/25% chaos.
Green Obsidian shields all have 40+ chaos res and it’s also almost useless cuz on RoK shield you have Purifier or paladin with WoR line, with chaos SS one you have Occultist with Possession, etc.
Acid items like green ammy also have high acid res whic is even more useless cuz you most likely with have BoD with 100% acid res active all the time.

So the suggestion is simple. Change the huge single element resists into elemental ones while halving the value, like 60% fire>30% ele res.
Also replace those chaos/fire resists on chaos/fire items with some really useful resists for those damage type - like pierce.


Those kinds of “thematic” stats are not budgeted into the item, so no you’re not going to get other stats if they are removed.

I’ve actually reviewed Acid items recently and apart from a little % Poison Resist that comes with the associated +% Max Resist stat (they are always budgeted together), very few poison items/affixes come with any % Poison Resist anymore.

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What about elemental res on elemental items? Or elemental affixes, at least.

Elemental damage:

Resonant - elemental, aether
Runecarved - elemental, bleeding
Tempest - elemental, bleeding
Of Arcane Balance - elemental, bleeding
Of Insight - chaos
Of Scorched Runes - elemental, pierce
Enchanter’s - elemental
Of the Sage - elemental
Light Bringer’s - chaos, bleeding
Celestial - chaos, elemental
Interrogator’s - aether

Fire damage:

Aetherfire - aether
Devastating - chaos, elemental
Of Destruction - elemental
Of Scorched Ends - chaos
Of Arcane Blaze - vitality
Of Ulzuin’s Flame - vitality, bleeding
Of Voidfire - bleeding
Arsonist’s - chaos
Of Wildfire - elemental
Of the Flamecaller - elemental
Of Incineration - chaos

Cold damage:

Glacial - aether, bleeding
Rimefrost - aether
Of Amarasta’s Flurry - chaos
Of Fallen Skies - pierce
Of the Winter Storm - elemental
Of Shadows - vitality
Of the Glacier - pierce

Lightning damage:

Magestorm - pierce, vitality
Thunderstruck - aether, elemental
Of Maiven’s Wit - elemental
Of Squall’s - elemental
Of the Hurricane - ACID
Of Torrents - aether, lightning

As you can see, most of elemental based affixes provide… elemental res. And the ONLY green affix that provides acid res is a very niche RING suffix. Elemental epics/legendaries and constellations follow the same logic.

I’ve made a suggestion to perhaps change lightning res on Tempest constellation to acid or pierce to make it a lot more appealing. Stun res is also pretty common on lightning gear/skills/whatever. For instance, lightning Druid can have all the stun res needed just from mastery skills.

Bottom line: give some variety for resists on elemental affixes at least. Otherwise it looks like:
“Yo dawg, I heard you like elemental damage, so we put elemental res on elemental gear so you can resist elemental damage while resisting elemental damage”.

Strongly against this. Some builds (like the Dark One Totem Archon I mentioned in this thread) have huge problems with almost every resist. Stripping blanket ele resists from stuff like Resonant takes options away from builds that already struggle on defense (among other things). Don’t fuck with resists (i.e. remove any), it just breaks builds you didn’t think about. Not every chaos character can afford to be decked all in % chaos damage gear due to resist problems, and they need these off affixes to compensate.

Well, items were fucked with more than on resists level, i.e. changing conduits to completely different stuff. Imagine playing cold Grenado with a conduit in to suddenly learn that in 9.4 it became aether Grenado. That kinda incapacitates the whole build.

If one-two affixes that someone’s using to cover ele res get acid res instead, just deal with it. I know I did, on multiple occasions.

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Need to keep in mind that resists are not a universal rule across all mastery combinations and that not everyone is going to be pushing cutting edge gear combos. Removing or replacing resists can have negative consequences for people’s builds.

Not to mention that a uniform spread is hardly desirable. When you can comfortably fill all the gaps a build needs with little effort, you’re losing part of the appeal of assembling a build to begin with. These gearing situations that are being asked about didn’t come about by accident.

Theme does have its place as well. Throwing Poison Resist on Tempest would be just plain forced.

Not really the same comparison, and not nearly as universal of an impact as a niche conduit-based build.


I can’t add much to this specific topic but please be very careful about Resist changes on item unless you just strictly buffing them. Ive had some screw up’s a few times in the past due to some unexpected resist changes (Spellscourge set is one of them). Also about recent “9% lightning 9% vitality” augment change -while it should ultimately be better in most cases- several characters of mine were actually using it. They actually lacked both lightning and vitality res.

Not really asking this to be reverted at all, just pointing out that resist changes (unless buffed) can be risky at this stage of development.

:laughing: Watch out for power creep around the corner!

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No need for that. There are some rather weak affixes that don’t provide much, or tricky to get, like Of Arcane Balance - if not playing Grenado build - or Arsonist’s where you need to “get lucky” on the skill roll, otherwise all you get is low % fire damage and chaos res which is pretty abundant on fire/chaos gear as well.

Didn’t stop you from swapping chaos RF mod on Voidsteel Gauntlets with chaos Cadence one, realistically “breaking” two or more build archetypes. Yes, didn’t want to be “that guy”, but in the end all I want is some tiny variety when choosing affixes, and not just “Tempest ___ of Badassitude” or whatever.

I did consider thematic value too, but e.g. acid res on Tempest is the same deal as ele res on, say, Harp. I mean, it’s a muscial instrument, how can it protect you from fire anyway?

Hm, I dunno, seems like exactly the same case to me. If that conduit a person is using was changed to something else, it means they have to find the replacement for the amulet, right? And we all know conduits provide a great deal of resists, health and % max res and less damage from Eldritch as a cherry on top. And they lose all that. Of course I don’t mean just cold Grenado one, there were quite a few reworks to other variants throughout the years.

And what are the odds of someone using “of Arcane Balance” suffix on, say, pierce build to cover ele and/or bleed res? They’ll be better of using “Runecarved” or “Tempest” instead. Unless they have prefixes occupied by other stuff, that is.

A change to a conduit affects exclusively builds using that specific conduit to get Cold Grenado. It wasn’t the only way to get Cold Grenado, so it’s not even a whole build type that takes a hit, it’s a specific version of that build, and some of those will be able to take an alternate route to achieve a similar result. Meanwhile, changing generic affixes used across countless builds of all types affects a lot more people, and not necessarily people playing a build that can withstand such changes and deviate to a different path to achieve the same result. If it’s already struggling on resists due to say poor resists on set, and it needs to take e.g. ele res affixes to be just about playable, a loss of those affixes just kills the build.

This is elitism talking. The vast majority of people who play GD aren’t as hardcore as many of the people active on the forums. Not everyone wants to GDStash, not everyone salivates at the idea of having to farm a specific MI for dozens of hours to get the affix they’re “better off using”. The broader the range of affixes that provide the resist coverage that is required for endgame, the more approachable the game is to people who don’t live and breathe GD. Acquisition of ideal affixes isn’t free.


Uh, that’s exactly my point? We have 3 elemental affixes that provide exactly the same stuff (ele + bleed res), yet not a single one with acid res? Except for that ring one, which, as you said, would require you to farm for that specific affix. On a ring. Yeah, good luck with that.

So fuck those people who played cold Grenado without Rimetongue (because they “don’t leave and breathe GD” or some other reason), but touching one of the affixes that is also replacable is a no-no all of a sudden? That’s elitism talking!

Besides, Grenado was a mere example. If you want more universal one, remember how we used to have Flashbang conduit with flat RR on it. People used it somewhat often, but then it became chaos Stun Jacks or something, and they had to rework their builds, well, almost completely?

And I wasn’t expecting anything to be changed in that regard, although I wasn’t expecting such heavy opposition either.

Going to try to steer the conversation away from the heated resist conversation, though I’d like to say I’m grateful for the more “generalized” resist affixes like Impervious and Stonehide that allow a player to work on getting resists capped without having to worry to the degree that people are discussing. At the very least, I’m very grateful for the Elemental resists on Elemental affixes, as I’ve crafted multiple single Elemental type builds that love having Elemental resists to cover their non-damage type (like Fire + Cold resists for a Lightning build).

As for viability purposes, has non-cooldown Primal Strike been used at all? 3 second cooldown with a chance for only -0.8 second cooldown is far too long compared to something like Vire’s Might which can be reduced to less than a second. It would be nice for more non-weapon slots to have a reduced cooldown for Primal Strike, especially for Electrocute / Trauma / Bleeding type builds that don’t want to the weapon penalty associated with the transmuted Primal Strike.

I know Electrocute builds have complained about a lack of duration in the past, and I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone try a non-transmuted Primal Strike particularly for DoT purposes. It’d be nice for non-Bleeding, non-Burn DoT builds have a reason to build for them.