Happy New Year! Let's Talk V1.1.9.5/6

I tested CD version and it didn’t worth it as Nuke. It can be useful if you have good CDR mod to it but the damage tooltip difference between mutator and non-mutator version isn’t that big. Main skill’s weapon damage can be increased and mutator’s penalty can be adjusted to have the same value I believe.


On the same topic, can we add some casting speed to Glyph of the Storm Witch rings or to the Raka’Jax weapon? Raka’Jax is screaming “use cooldown Primal Strike” alongside other Electrocute sources, but it’s build-killing that some items with the only source of Electrocute duration have no Cast Speed in order to cast Storm Box + Storm Totem + Wind Devils to maximize Electrocute damage. It’s one thing to not ask for everything, but at the very least Raja’Jax should have 18-22% Casting Speed so that it can finally be used as an Electrocute weapon.

I’ll try the general concept and see if it has potential.

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Using Raka’Jax with all these skills is not an exotic concept:

Having that many skills to cast sounds like a good reason to have mercy on Raka’Jax and give it CS :thinking:

I went ahead and tested the concept: Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

It beats Crucible reliably, even if the lack of Phys Resistance is a problem. Sounds like while Casting Speed is a nice-to-have, Raka’Jax is in a good spot.

Any problems with Light’s Defender would be on the Demo side, if Vindicator can do this well without the lack of Phys Resistance (although the multiple heals + healing increase is a special boon for this type of build). Hopefully the Stun Jacks side could receive a nice buff and Stun Jacks Life leech could be tested to see if Purifier builds are in a good spot.

I just realize that there is “almost” no way to fully convert Elemental damage to Aether on Devastation. Aether devastation usually using the Decree of Aldritch, Outcast’s Secret, and Ternox’s Aether Tome. With that scepter, we need an additional +55-65% conversion which partially helped by the Ascended Shoulderplates or fully covered by The Magelord, but that ring set block the use of The Arcane Tempest which provides Devastation point as well a strong filler attack. Meanwhile, other items that have said global conversion is:

So I think adding 100% Elemental converted to Aether to Devastation on the Scepter or add 45% global conversion on Terrnox Tome is nice to have.

Dont know about the Decree scepter, but NO, dont add the conversion to terrnox tome. People (me include) want to use that tome for variants of Devastation dam types, not just aether. For example my Cold Devastation + Trozan Druid. This kind of suggestion will lower the viable of builds, and like you said, we got way too many items with elemental converted to aether, if you want to get full 100% conversion- then make something to sarcrifice. You cant have everything.

The exterminate proc from deathdealer sidearm feels like it just reduces your dps every 2 seconds as it decreases proc chance of smite or reaping strike (when your wps is already 100% without exterminate).

Is it possible to convert it to normal wps like salvo or crossfire but with lower chance rate?

So how does a 300% weapon damage wps reduce damage?


well you see, once enemy is dead, it can’t do damage

simple as that, 101 technology.


With pass through as well lol.

that 300% weapon damage is no match to the 360 flat damage bonus of DW reaping strike or 300 flat damage bonus of DW smite.
Plus reaping strike and smite has converted vitality/fire damage.

wasn’t literally the best phys gunner(s) using 1 deathdealer? (or even 2 when not using a sandspitter?) - or did i remember that one wrong :thinking:


You realize that converted damage is now properly reduced by armor, so there’s no “free” damage that comes from being converted. Besides, 20/10 Reaping Strike and Smite only have 30% WPS anyway, so having 2 Exterminates in addition to those gives you a 90% WPS pool, and then I suppose is the DW gun WPS modifier as well. That would be the “DPS loss” if you choose that over Reaping Strike / Smite / Exterminate.

PS, when you build right, 100% weapon damage is often 500-600 flat damage, so 300% Weapon damage is more than enough to match whatever WPS you’re trying around.

To my knowledge this is like one of if not the strongest ranged WPS in the game right now (at least granted from items)…

Is that so?
I never knew that flat damage gets multiplied when weapon damage factor is above 100%.
I thought that was a job for total damage modifier.

Canister is on the agenda
Here is a vid of old as an example. Having spelldrinker, offhand and harp was scarcely enough to fix mana management. It still went out fast in 1 vs. 1 fights.
Then you redesigned lightning canister as strictly barrels skill. Now its barely playable as anything but sorc, because mana management is still there.
Concerning fire canister I would like to compare it with fire Iskandra
Canister vs. TSS
After the latest patches they match each other in terms of damage. However, Iskandra has cdr, cc res, a little bit more phys res and better skill points management.
Current issues Ulzuin has:

  1. Stats (<3k oa with aggressive and double of attack)
  2. CC res
  3. Common res
  4. Low % damage
  5. Low CDR for defence chaining
  6. Lack of skill points
  7. its main damage skill has 3.5 cd
  8. +4 demo skills, relic bonus and dedicated set and still image Sacrifice desperately needed hp and oa by dropping wyrmbone for ones of the worst gloves in the game then?

Iskandra doesnt have all the problems listed above. Playing canister now feels like floundering rather than enjoying


I know this has been asked before, but can we please add casting speed to Mythical Anderos' Amplifier - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database? Every Purifier I’ve tried to make pure Fire Kalastor has roughly 125-135% Casting Speed when you try to mix in survival tools like Giant’s Blood & Ghoul with damage devotions like Magi. Ideally, I wouldn’t want anything under 150% Casting speed even on a cooldown caster, as casting speed can make the difference between getting the spell off and getting micro-interrupted.

Also, none of the affixes for Shields have any Casting Speed. If anything, there are multiple skills that make good use of Shields (Sigils, Rune of Kalastor, Retal Drain Essence), so why is there no casting speed at all if you want a Green Shield? There should definitely be some on an affix like “of the Sage” where you’re going for Kalastor points regardless.

**EDIT: There’s one other thing I’d like to see become viable: Chaos Callidor’s Tempest. It’s really unfitting for the Arcanist to only have 1 viable Chaos skill, and we all know there’s not going to be Chaos TSS or Chaos PRM. The unfortunate thing about Callidor’s Tempest is that nearly all of the green items that supports Callidor’s Tempest also promotes 100% conversion, so we can’t even do any “green trickery” to get ourselves to 26/16 Tempest. In fact, we have the Harra’s Set to convert to cold, and Mythical Stormseer Sapphire - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database for Lightning Tempest, and yet both medal MI’s for Callidor’s also convert 100% damage.

The itemization seems to suggest going Warlock, as the few weapons that give +Arcanist skills give good Occultist points as well. So far, the only items I see that are indispensable for Chaos Tempest are Mythical Maw of Despair - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database for the additional Life Leech, Spark of Reality - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database for the big Chaos bonuses, and parts of the Black Flame Set to get the remaining Aether → Chaos conversion.

A simple way is to add Chaos damage to the affixes “of the abomination” and “of anomalies” so that we can use some green items to get points to Callidor’s Tempest. Another would be to give Chaos damage and a resistance to Bloodsworn Signet - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database since it just looks so empty compared to the other MI rings out there. There are other options, but these I feel are the least intrusive methods to get Chaos Callidor’s to be at least viable.

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Speaking of things that have been asked before, I know it has nothing to do with balance but it’s been bugging me for over 4 years now and it’s such an easy little thing to fix: can you please bump up the speech audio for Fleshweaver Krieg and, more importantly, Theodin Marcell? Their speech seems to be on the SFX layer which means that no matter how I adjust the audio, it’s pretty much impossible to tell what they’re mumbling at me half the time due to skill effects going off over it. In over 4k hours of play I still couldn’t tell you a single line of dialogue that Krieg says in AoM and from Theodin I managed to discern like two lines. It takes a lot away from the climactic experience of the boss fight. And I’m sure the voice actors weren’t paid only for their work to essentially have no impact on the game in the end.

Seeing as 9.5 is likely to just address bug fixes for xbox rather than balance, I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to sneak this little adjustment in. Pretty please?


this might be a weird one
Can we please get proper Chaos Trozan FX?
i was super happy when i saw we got chaos trozan added,
then i was super sad when i saw it was just the regular usual transmuted devastation FX in red
like i mentioned in my request a while back, we have the awesome FX already in the table thingy, it’s used by the Ch’'thonian harvesters
and the old bland devastation TSS fx looks so sad
would it be too much to ask to get the player chaos tss FX spiced up by using the same FX as the ch’thonian harvesters?


Agree, the moment I saw that fx in the game I wanted to play a Chaos Trozan castet