Happy New Year! Let's Talk V1.1.9.5/6

ok, once again. could we get +cadence skills to the goredrinker set? or supporting gear. it’s quite ridiculous that set that supports cadence doesn’t allow you to get 26/16 in the main skill by any means (except using some really off-beat gear).
the calc I use: Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
goredrinker tactician after series of small/global nerfs is just a mediocre build, w/e sturdy but not impressive.
also the thing that bothers me for a long time is how hard are the stats to get here, as I tried Ravager and wasn’t even able to proc Deadly Aim or AM at him (just like what?)
maybe adding some OA/DA across set pieces won’t hurt it at all.


Have you considered Blackwatch Seals for + to Cadence? With your setup and those rings 26/16 Cadence is possible :thinking:.

Critting Ravager with ~2900 OA is not real, especially without any DA shred (at least I haven’t noticed any). Correct me if I am wrong or missed something.

About Goredrinker set and a bit of Pierce Cadence. I have this Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. Tested him in SR 75-76, damage is okay (for sacrifices and compromises I made), defense is enough if you do not get too overconfident (like standing in 100 puddles :laughing:). Kaisan, Fabius etc are not a problem. Of course, more %Phys Res/%Armor and +2 to Cadence on Goredrinker (or +1 on Reaver’s Claw) would be a nice help. Also, full Armor Piercing is not possible without using specific items (like Steelheart belt :unamused: or weapon MI, but then we are left without skillpoints for such hungry mastery as Blademaster, amulet is blocked by set) or Blessed Whetstone component (we lose %ADCtH, not a good trade, since we need Seals of Blades on both hands). Increasing Armor Piercing to 50% for Reaver’s Claw is worth considering.

it’s possible but then hello, -17% AS loss (and you can’t actually compensate it with skills like PB).

ah, yes, this too …
I tested 2x Bleed whetstones. You convert all remaining phys but then also armor and extra LL and build becomes way more squishy.
So increasing AP on reaver and (maybe) Nightclaw is a good idea.
not like it will make Goredrinker super-busted sr100/sub4 Crucible performer.


so any chance retalion to aar in future

I’ll also want to suggest some things again, like:

  • improve proc chance of Menhir’s Obelisk and block mechanic in general. The proc chance is 15% on block so assuming you get total like 40% chance of blocking an attack, proccing Stone Form is … not really easy, if I’m right.
    Block is then again strictly related to soldier but even then doesn’t do much unless you go full-defensive devos, despite some of them (like Shieldmaiden) being quite … meh. I don’t really know how to improve block in general, though maybe through increasing base block chance and values.

  • the second thing is more about aesthetics. could we get some new VFX for cold/lightning Briars/Primal Spirit etc? we already have a cold hellhound so playing with all-cold pets would look cool. not like it will really help colp pets not to be shit, but at least they’d be fancy.

EDIT: could we also get some love to aether pets? There are very little items to support them, like even no vit>aether conversion. I think it would be fair to add like 50% vit>aether conversion to some pet rings/buff aether Raven a bit like adding +1-2 projs to it. It’s still 1 bird that is hard to get to 26/16.
but conversion is more important still.


It depends on what you define a build to be shit. I have completed SR80 fairly easily with both a Cold Raven build and a Cold Hellhound build; Crucible is always going to be crap if you’re not full Beastcaller’s 26/16 Briarthorn and Primal Spirit, but that’s the nature of pet builds.

Aether/Lightning is a perfectly viable combo to use, since it uses the same RR devotion and you’re only giving up an off-hand and belt for full vitality->lightning conversion. I lost the Grimtools I was theorycrafting for it, but the faction rings gives you points to Raise Skeletons and Summon Raven, and going partial Lightning allows you to actually use Will of the Crypt and not waste the really nice Elemental damage bonuses you would otherwise waste by going full Aether.

Again, it won’t be gangbusters in Crucible, but at the very least, all of your damage will be converted and not wasted. Depends on what pets you’re hoping to do well with Aether damage.

Not that I would ever say no to pet buffs, of course. I’m just happy that other people are trying to create nice pet builds.

I have some feedback about green OH too, in particular 2 of them:
this one Fleshwarped Codex - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database has %elemental damage but >aether conversion and flat.
and this Fleshwarped Archive - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database has pet mods but no pet bonuses which is kinda weird.
hope this can be addressed in the patch.

also noted that Segarius’ Blades Segarius' Tainted Blade - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database and Segarius' Sacred Blade - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database support or have mods to only 1 skill instead of 2, same for Storm Herald - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database.
and this axe Aetherscorched Cleaver - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database looks kinda odd to me cuz we already have another phys MI axe for cadence that gives it way stronger bonuses. And imagine playing phys BM not with Spellscourge, lol. I think this weapons can be changed towards aether cadence instead.


giving it pet bonuses would likely make it more biased towards pet affixes, we can’t have that :grin:

imagine using it for anything except pets

I would love to see that item (and the Salazar Blade just like it) get pet bonuses. But, my guess is there is some balancing reason they don’t have those… yet, like you said, where else are they used? Probably only pet builds, would be great to see them get some pet stat bonuses.

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can’t see any of those purposes cuz these items even don’t give sth aside pet bonuses that can be abused or just used.
so probably it’s sth like missing stats, as i can’t imagine the world where, say, hellhound is OP.

Would love to see Cabalist get some DA or phys resist in general.

Something like this, could be interesting. But that toon’s DA and phsy resist… :frowning:

Do you need builds? I have one :smile:
I have a wery conceptual build from my deep stock that will blow your mind :crazy_face: or even someone asses
Accurate at 1 day till topic will be closed. Meet, inversal-quadro-damage PRM :damage_aether: :damage_fire: :damage_cold: :damage_lightning:


I consider that if skill exists it must work as is. PRM have Elemental and Aether damage as native and I want it at final build.
First of all, I take max %WD for PRM: Arcanum Sigillis, Spellgaze and Slathsarr.
But Slathsarr convert Ele to Aether, than I search way to convert Aether to Ele. Invoker’s shard convert it to Fire and Lightning, set in general good support for PRM, but no cold damage. Next step is take Farath. It convert Aether to Cold.
Now we have conversion Elem to Aether, and Aether to Elem ini a ratio 1:2:1. Well, large quantity of Cold compensates, that neither item granted modifiers doesn’t influence Proliferation (4 native damage too), but rings’ global conversion does
Further, takes Equipment that support Aether and Ele damage and all nodes of PRM, reject it due to survivability, takes new one.
Some interesting with Devotion. Tier 3 Devotion that support 4-damage and sumultaneously not popular in community is Attak Seru - that’s my choise. Blind Sage also grant Elemental boost.
And now after long Equipment and Devotion juggling we get it: inversal-quadro-damage PRM. It have tons of conversion but it still have native damage tipe and more over it have 66%WD.

It’s wery specific build, and it exceeded my expectations. But despite the seeming power, it have really troubles with only one campaign boss: Korvaak (in 3th phase).
Can it beat 70 SR? I pass it to from 65 to 70 in cost of about 10 death, it more suitable for let’s say 50. Build is very random. It can facetank 1 to 1 more than half SR bosses, but lie back from colorful crystalls placed on location.
What I want? I want more stability for this build.

And returning to balance in general. Most difficult for overcap skills is 4 node: Firestrike, Dreeg’s eye, Hellhound, PRM and Ignaffar.


The Slathsarr’s medal is ruining your build. Throw it away and it’s going to be much better.

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Throw it away and lose concept? No way :leg: :gun:

sometimes people just want to play their way, so you tell them how to improve their builds they won’t listen to you


I never mind weird ideas, meme / hybrid builds or not choosing the optimal solutions to solve build problems (which can kill the fun).
It’s just that converting your main skill with 1 item to the damage type you have half %damage and half RR is self-sabotage.

It’s okay, Lightning BWC. Nobody is judging you.

Spam Lightning BWC Pyromancer

Seriously, though, spam BWC in general feels a lot slower than taking nuke BWC and using a filler component skill. Spam BWC can use a damage buff in general.


half + half = 1
Seems fair. :smile:

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This isn’t a build improvement thread.

Can we stay on topic?