Harbinger Doom Bolt?

Hey all, never built a caster so I have literally no idea where to start beyond using the titular Harbinger set and taking Occy for Doom Bolt. Any pointers or a rough GT sketch would be nice and greatly appreciated! I couldn’t find a relevant up to date build using Harbinger set. Thanks in advance!

My first thought would be to go Deceiver or Pyromancer for the RR. I personally don,t like using thermite mines, so Deceiver seems like a better choice IMO.

If you can find a second skill to use between DB cooldown, that also happened to clear crowds, it could make a good combo.

There are conduits that convert WoP, Canister bomb and Stun Jacks to Chaos. 2 Medals also converts BWC and Grenado.

Since you also get 240% Weapon damage to doom bolt, you can kinda treat it as an attack, stacking flat damage and benefiting from ADCTH

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Here is my harbinger + rah’zin doom bolt build… has insane damage output from the bolt alone. When u attack training dummy, its 1/5 health is gone instantly.


This is VERY hastily thrown together, It probably has a ton of flaws, but it’s a good place to start tinkering IMO

Used @fishy’s suggestion and added Oblivion as the in-between attack. Debuff with SBoE, Solael’s flame, and WoP, then Nuke with Doom bolt and fill the gaps with Oblivion. Cast speed is a bit low however, but with better gear choices it can be solved.


I go with Pyro, since you can still go with Chaos BWC


Here is another Deceiver, with a bit higher casting speed. If you want to use Oblivion effectively, you’ll want cs. Harbinger set makes it hard to get above 170 with reasonable cc and defense. :man_shrugging: (even with max-roll cs on the gear).

Chaos Harbinger DB/Oblivion Deceiver

I left the green and conduit suffix blank, in the case you are self-found. Also, spirit is cranked, but you don’t really need it that min-max.

Likely for an optimal Oblivion/DB build, a different 2H/gloves with cs would be preferable to get up to 200% cs. It’s not like Harbinger really needs a filler…you shoot stuff.