Ok, after playing a while in normal mode, I am trying hard mode. Quite exciting in early game but what is it. My pop is 386 and I got 104 raiders well-equipped. Any suggestion to def
What defenses /soldiers do you have?
no seria tan difÃcil si los niños trabajaran y fuesen a la guerra como en la realidad xD
I have 36 Soldiers, 14 Guards, 7 towers. I prefer play with an army number = 10% - 15% of pop
Perhaps you need to concentrate towers and walls around the raiders main targets esp. the Town Centre but also stores/trading post in order to set up a killing field. Your Town Centre looks like it is only protected by one tower and no wall.
I have wall and tower outside but the raider destroy them faster than my soldier moving speed. And I tested, they actually aim many buildings not only town center, trading center or vault. They did destroyed the market, homestead and some shops too. Should I need to build wall around everything? But I don’t think they can last long with raider destroying speed.
A common tactic is to use the terrain defensively. Building next to a lake removes one side they can come from, or more depending on the lake shape. Building on hills gives your towers a significant height damage bonus, etc, etc. Combining it all with a clever layout means just a couple of towers can take out a raid of that size without even having broken walls to repair afterwards. Or, you can build on the flat out in the open, but it will require a larger standing army in defense, far more walls, and likely a bigger repair bill for each raid.
A few players have gone to somewhat extreme lengths with defenses, which has (maybe? hopefully?) meant the devs have tuned up the combat threat on the top difficulty to keep things interesting.