Has this item been forgotten?

I’m talking about Rag’Nadar’s Maw : Rag'Nadar's Maw - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database

With the rework of several guns/crossbow in the new test patch, perhaps is it the time to take another look at this item.

This looks like it is intended to be a chaos pyromancer caster item. However, it lacks several stats that class would likely be looking for (e.g. cdr, casting speed) while providing some of the weakest skill modifiers in the game.

Vampiric Bonewall is ridiculously stronger than the gun and only takes up one hand (and can roll with cdr or phys res since it is a shield). Bloodsworn Scepter is also much stronger, despite being only a 1h weapon. This doesn’t seem like a decent leveling option either since numerous chaos caster items (Bloodsworn Scepters/Pistols, Abbadoth’s Sermons) are both easier to farm and provide much better bonuses while being only 1 handed.

The modifiers for thermite mines aren’t worth it either as Lagoth’Ak’s medal has the same conversion and medal slot isn’t highly contested for chaos casters.

I can’t think of any end game build that would use this gun either since everyone would rather use one of the above MI, or fang of ch’thon, black flame set, etc.

So what can be done about this item? I think it would be fun to make it comparable in power level to Messenger’s Repeater, but for chaos casters. Some ideas:

  • Global conversion on Blood of Dreeg or Flame Touched?
  • Weapon damage on Sigils (maybe op idk)?
  • Chaos Grenado modifiers?
  • RR on curse of frailty / pox / mines?
  • Or maybe just make it a discount Harbinger of Eternal Suffering?

i think the 2 main issues with the rifle is, the mods exist elsewhere, and on better items/slots
so the gain isn’t huge getting those mods on 1 item since it takes up 2 slots being rifle, and the dmg mods aren’t really that huge to make you want to take it over sceptre+medal etc
taking a 2hander, to dmg boost mines, a mediocre dmg skill (imo, because dmg doesnt’ stack) is a rather big ask, even for leveling
it’s only attractiveness is you can get the item rather early, for leveling
i can’t even remotely imagine a use for it later/endgame, again since the stats exist elsewhere and better

def an item that could use about a million upgrades, even just as a leveling MI

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SoC part is okay. TM part is… totally uninspired, especially considering you can get the same exact mod on the medal, like you mentioned.

Still, I have a super-duper-secret-build I wanted to make sometime in the future that uses that item, it should look something like this: Pyromancer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Now, I think I was suggesting a change for Demo part of the gun to make it support Mortar Trap instead. Or maybe it was in my head. But anyway, something like 100% lightning → chaos, -2 seconds recharge and maybe a bit of flat chaos to Mortar should do the job. It’s not like Mortars have much gear supporting them, and chaos specifically. But I somehow feel this is not happening, so…

If TM part is to stay, at least add something more than bland damage mod and excessive conversion (you still need fire → chaos for SoC, and it’s rather common), like extra radius at the very least.

Or better yet - crazy idea incomming - add life leech RR to them. Yeah, make it really stand out and synergise well with SoC.


can’t see how that’s not done better not using the rifle :sweat_smile:


What?! I got this sick-ass double rare gun for nothing? I mean, I HAD to use it since I got it XD Which kinda makes a point regardless, huh.

But like I said, I personally would be content with -% life leech mod…


Or simply add some +skill to SOC base so it’s easy to max SoC base…which would give you a few more points to spend elsewhere and more equipment options for variations.

For example, your dev path includes Meteor Shower, which has a fairly decent physical component…which would suggest 3 points in the SolWitchfire transmuter would be handy. But skill points are so tight already

Honestly all the MI caster guns should have CDR/Conversion, otherwise they end up a meme. With 1h-offhand/MI shield you could easily grind ~16-24% CDR, conversions, modifiers, procs traded for 100% dmg loss (which is minimal when you have about ~3k% dmg).
A bit off topic, a 2handed weapon has mod allows to use Aegis of Menhir sounds nice.

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