Haunt relic

It loses to Agrivix in defense department too. Haunt is just a very good lower tier relic. It can’t be at the same level as Agrivix or Eternity or other top-tier relics.

I would argue that it already is there a bit. Vitality has tons of RR, chaos doesn’t.

Sorry but no. I have tested it on different Aether builds and Agrivix won every time. There is a reason why Aether builds from top-builders don’t have it.

If I put Agrivix instead of Haunt on my last aether AAR Spellbinder the build would suck. With Haunt you can facetank Ravager. So no, not true always. That life leech RR is just pure awesomeness.

Vitality has pitiful flat damage values, Chaos doesn’t.


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