Have you ever wondered what grim dawn monsters look like? Well wonder no more

Keep up the fantastic work on those awesome projects!

That’s a really creative use of your software tools including AI SD. Other artists don’t like these programs for various reasons but all I can say is they are a disruptive technology. I use 3D models, rendering programs like DAZ Studio and Vue and GIMP for post work. I’ve played around with Midjourney about a year ago. It was interesting, I just am used to 3D for art creation. I feel I have a bit more control.

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I agree AI is problematic for artists and we should be careful with how its used and even how its training data is used. You do get more control over how a piece of art looks when there is a human behind the wheel. These would be greatly improved if a person was drawing them. If I was in charge of say a movie pruduction I would much rather have a team of people working as my concept artist.

AI should be used as a tool not a crutch. I do believe protections should be in place to protect arist. It is sad that the internet gave so much freedom for artist and now its at risk.

With this project I fill like I’m not taking anything away from an artist because I don’t have the money to pay them. So these wouldn’t exist other wise. I only post them here and never with any other post like the fan art theard.

Im one of those people that start alot of stuff and never finish. One of the ways to fix that is just to work on alot of little things to get in the habit of finishing and these help me with that.

Like all things in life we have to acknowledge the problems with something and do are best to fix them.

This is one picture but the file size was to big to upload so I had to cut it in half.

Hopefully this is more organized and easier to read let me know. I feel like if I make the writing any smaller I’ll have to change the font. I might test out making it thicker first before I change it.

In everone of these I try to elude to the part of the monster that is its MI but since this one is an actual weapon and not a body part I added it.

I really like how the axe turned out. I remember when the PV dungeon got released and I killed this guy. Got the axe first kill and I thought to myself. Why does this guy drop an axe but he wouldn’t be the first enemy in a game to drop questionable loot.


Really great.

I’ll post the individual entries tomorrow after work. I have to cut them down so the files are small enough to upload. I just wanted to post this one real quick.

Create really went hard on making this fight.

This one was a little tough. This fight has alot going on and I had trouble making shor I got everones abilities right and which ones were from the weapon. If I missed something please let me know.

I made the weapon entry explain what it does in the fight not what the weapon you can use does.


jezz that looks so badass @_@

Thank you. I understand that in video games reusing enemy models is a way to save time and money so i thought this would be a cool way to show how different the enemys can look and how unique they could be
