Having trouble with Nemesis bosses

This is my first playthrough of Grim dawn. I am currently on the second level I think it is elite?? I am level 85 right now. I have been encountering the Nemesis bosses and they have just killed all the fun I have been having. What is the point of this torture?

I currently am just logging out an coming back later whenever these appear. What does everyone else do?

I tried fighting one, and it was a disaster. died over 10 times and once all xp points were gone quit game and have never tried again. Are they always 10 levels above ours?

How do we gear ourselves 10 levels higher?

Welcome to the forum.

Can you give a little more context, please? Are you just farming one area? What nemesis is it? What is your class? What is your build?

My general guesses are that you have really low DA and are getting crit; you have a low resistance that happens to be to the type of damage the nemesis does; you have really low HP; or your devotions are bad.

Level 85 can be a difficult place because you can wear elite faction gear at level 90, so your build can be underpowered if still in the level 65 stuff.

Devotions are tough to figure out. Nemeses are end-game content so if you’ve gotten this far on your own devotions it’s something to be proud of. I would suggest looking for a build in the compendium with the same damage and weapon type and just swapping to those. Immediate jump in power and survivability.

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I’d say that at lv 85 you are quite ‘early’ at meeting them and it is probably your first char?

At lv 100 they will still be 10lv+ higher but by then you will be way better equipped (take into account lv94 grants access to a lot more mythical legendaries) and you’ll have a whole difference in challenging them.

Posting your char by a grimtools link will certainly help out to let the community (which is great in GD forum) help you out/give advices.

Yes this is my first and only character. I am following a build guide now, I did try to just play but that was not possible so started over. Devotions, skill points and such are already laid out for me. Changing to another build is not the answer here. I am playing a Fire gunslinger Purifier and wish to continue with it.

Is it really even possible to kill one of these guys at level 85? I just started the game on Elite. I Literally am just in Devils Crossing going through the very first quests all over again.

Why are they even in the game? It’s ruining the fun of game for me.

Make sure to follow the guide precisely though because details matter a lot in this game. I always see players following my guides loosely which can cause problems.

Ruining the game for you, interesting challenge / satisfying to beat for others.

Maybe also ask in that guide’s thread :thinking:

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I did ask in the build guide thread just waiting on a reply if it even happens. Not really expecting any help there honestly.

i promise you it is,
and would ask you post a grimtools link to your char (can upload save to GT dont’ have to re-create your char manually) to better get an understanding of your current char progress
*getting nemesis at lvl 85 on first char does sound a bit weird without warrants, but i don’t think it’s impossible, let alone if you happened to farm a lot for something

without seeing your char, or know where you are, one thing that could be done is “cheese” the nemesis spawn to ignore it
if say you’re beast nemesis, go into a zone where you’re not going to be, kill enough spawn the nemesis there, then portal away and more on
*this will be easier/harder for some nemesis than others, Kubacabra should be simple to control this way i think, BenJahr/Grava might be tougher/require more planning etc

alternatively, if you truly hate this, if you’re on PC you can download GDstash to reset your enemy infamy to not be Nemesis

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At level 85, I can only assume it’s Kubacabra, as Beasts are 99% the first faction anyone ever hits Nemesis with.

The problem with that Nemesis are the obscene heals. Unless you kite pixel perfectly, the pools that constantly spawn around tick % heals on him. And with Nemeses having millions of health, every tick can easily be tens of thousands of HP per second. With unoptimized gear, which is bound to be the case before level 100 to be honest, it can be a real pain, especially if melee.

I really don’t understand why Beasts, the easiest faction to hit Nemesis with and which you are basically bound to meet way before level 100 got one of the most annoying Nemeses spawns, which pretty much requires knowing the mechanics of beforehand to even stand a chance of killing him, but here we are.

As you said, you are probably better off ignoring it until you reach decent gear point. The problem of course is that Kuba really likes spawning in tight underground corridors. To make matters even worse, his heals work on regular enemies who are around too. Often, the only option usually is just quitting the game. You can try kiting him far away, portaling out and continue from the nearest rift gate. Good thing about Kuba is that he basically can’t hit you as long as you are moving.


experience teaches us otherwise :sunglasses:

*and yes i’m well aware obviously most new players wont have the knowledge to kit chars out like this during levelling :sweat_smile: - just saying it is, “technically”, possible

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Well, of course, just saying that having Kuba as na introductory Nemesis for most players could definitely cause some frustration. Especially now he can spawn anywhere near your vicinity at a whim.

I’ve played GD for a couple thousand hours and don’t think I’ve ever had that pimped out a character at level 87 :smiley:


oh it was pimped out way before 87, since this happened to be an MI monster, the 3 RNG items/epic+legend was rather nicely lucky tho, but had faction boots/gloves and ofc MI shoulders prior

the massive detail vs this char and others’ is since i have played the game so much, i not only know of these items existence(MIs, faction, crafts), i ofc know how when and where to get them, and it makes all the difference. Almost feels a bit like twinking, except you obtain it directly on the char/during levelling
Same reason i both told OP it’s possible and asked for a GT, so they can benefit from experience of others getting potentially pointed to some of those juicy “easily” obtainable items

And i think you’re right,
while it’s no doubt awesome for direct farming Kuba, or even other nemesis, it might pose an issue for beginners with how fast some Nemesis states can be reached combined with the new spawn system.
Unsure how to address it, in a way that doesn’t affect end farm atleast, but it might be something to consider so new players don’t get assaulted to the same degree as vets or end farmers might like. :thinking:
Reduce rate of infamy gain for Beasts without a warrant? Enable a "counter"Warrant from shops that reduce infamy gain by X %?

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I remember getting my ass handed to me by Kuba (and other Nems for that matter) when I just started playing. But at least I wasn’t forced to engage them - could just avoid the area where Nemesis icon pops up. Which isn’t the case now far as I’m aware, so have no idea how I would’ve reacted to seeing a hulking mass of absolute destruction rushing towards me in a tight tunnel beneath Homestead’s farmlands.

I mean, current system makes more sense from thematic perspective (just realised Nemesis from Resident Evil 3 worked the same way basically - only more scripted), but obviously it creates problems for some players. For fully decked characters it’s better most of the time, especially in regards to Valdaran, Benny, Grava who have quite a few spawn locations, but being punished for just playing the game is kinda meh.

That wouldn’t make any sense. How and why would you want that if you don’t know about the issue that may occur, and when you do, it’s too late? When I first opened faction screen I saw “Nemesis spawns” and thought “Sounds interesting; I wonder what will happen”. You know what I mean.

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Thanks to everyone that posted here. I have actually tried again to fight the boss, and yes it’s Kubacabra, and I do have a few 50% reputation things. I did fight him just for kicks. Died 6 times, but killed them all. Def not worth it. Lost way too much xp at level 88 to ever try this again without gearing better.

I have learned how to avoid them thanks to some help here when they spawn now, so they’re not as frustrating in most cases. I have seen other Nemesis Bosses so Kubacabra isn’t the only one spawning.

Not sure what GrimDawn Tools is/are yet am doing research on that right now.

theorycraft/char calc site, among other features

lets one “view” chars, items, stats etc, which can then be shared with others via link
can upload save direct via the import arrow up left, then get link from share button below
can also be used to mess around with changes, different items etc to then see impact in sheet and share the changes and so on, neat little site

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Not finding any character files on my PC or in the path posted in the tool notes.
Not sure how to use this.

Or am I supposed to pick each gear slot from the available items?
Way too much work for me.

no supposed to use your save direct
game only saves in 1 of two locations, so should be in either of the listed, just need to check the pats are correct
*usually people mistakenly go into grim dawn steam install folder, instead of the userdata acc folder

save location depends on your ingame settings, *if using steam version
cloud box on in ingame Grim Dawn settings = steam userdata acc folder save location
cloud box off ingame = documents folder location (sometimes Onedrive hijacks that path so it’s in a Onedrive sub path)

ok, so now my character is loaded in the window. What next?

Gunslinger Purifier

click the share button below the import button, should generate a link in a popup/overlay window for you
copy paste that link

I don’t think it worked

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