My old Warlock build rip’d… and so I had to create a new one of course! This build requires the expansion and is up to date with the v1.0.4.1 patch.
-sad face
Game play video will be re-provided soon. For now you can skip down to the Boss Fights, Section VI.
I. The Build: - new constellations and components/augments that will be sorted out soon in the bottom section. - Much thanks to Mator for his input and suggestions
II. Pro’s & Con’s
-Good burst DPS
-Fun if you like to gamble, Time-Dilation is super happy fun time. multi-doomboltery is much funnery oh. my. endorphins.
-Good single target and aoe damage
-Surprisingly good survivability with 1.8k+ armor rating at 98% armor absorption - I haven’t attempted Gladiator on this build as of yet.
-Can be squishy at times if you’re not on top of the rotations.
-Doom Bolt downtime
-Not much room for damage items if you’re trying difficult portions of the
game. There’s more variety if you’re rolling on SC.
-Keeping track of CD’s can be a real pain if you’re trying to maximize dps because of the skill reset chances
Primary Damage Types: Aether and some Vitality from Doom Bolt.
III. Skills
Active Skills:
Panetti’s Replicating Missile - Used as your primary attack for trash mobs.
Trozan’s Sky Shard + Frozen Core - Primarily for proc’ing Shield Wall but can be effectively used to help you CC.
Olexra’s Flash Freeze - For CC only.
Haunt - Granted from the relic “Haunt” which will debuff the targets’ Aether resist. To be stacked with the devotion tied to Bloody Pox “arcane bomb.”
Blood of Dreeg - Primarily used for Poison/Acid/Physical Resist and OA, without it you’ll be at -15% Poison/Acid resist on ultimate and GG if any poison hits you.
Devastation - Used to devastate, try to follow up after haunting/bloody-poxing groups of enemies.
Doom Bolt - Your main source of burst damage. Use Doom Bolt to follow up your Devastation, effectively reducing the cool down of Devastation by a sizeable amount
Nullification - Used for anything and everything that you want to nullify, I’d suggest using it for mob affix’s (ie Reflect) or removing a snare.
Mirror of Ereoctes - Used for OH $%^# moments.
Clairvoyance - Doom Bolt + Devastation? Gonna need this. You’ll Regen to full mana and never actually need to use an energy potion.
Gaze of Beronath - Used to decrease enemy OA reducing their chance to hit/crit. This is also tied to the Devotion Cleansing Waters which acts as a 2nd nullification.
Bloody Pox - Another OA debuff that stacks with Gaze of Beronath. This is tied to the Devotion Widow which will proc Arcane Bombs, reducing aether resist.
Passive Skills:.
Maiven’s Sphere of Protection.
Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange.
Aether-Ward. For over-capping the resist. Also for increasing damage to Aetherials.
Void-Ward. Also for over-capping the resist. Also for increasing damage to Chthonics.
Star Pact For the CD reduction.
IV. Devotions
-Ulo the Keeper of the Waters. Ability Cleansing Waters bound to Gaze of Beronath.
-Widow. Ability Arcane Bomb bound to Bloody Pox.
-Aeon’s Hourglass. Ability Time-Dilation bound to Doom Bolt.
-Targo the Builder. Ability Shield Wall bound to Trozan’s Sky Shard.
-Manticore. Ability Acid Sprayl bound to Panetti’s Replicating Missile.
-Sailor’s Guide.
-3 Points into Crossroads -Primordial/Order/Eldritch.
V. Items:
Aim for the Mythical Versions in the Grimtool’s link above.
Long Note: The important items for this build are all the clairvoyant’s pieces (hat, shoulders, chest, weapon) so you have infinite energy and Albrecht’s Duality so you can boost your Doom Bolt damage via the Chaos conversion to Aether.
The second most important items are those that give you %damage to Aetherials and Aether Corruptions and mobs in general. This includes the Haunt relic (15%), Purified Salt component (15%), Outcast’s Wrath on both main-hand and off-hand (12% total). Additionally if you have Mark of Anathema you could use that but I recommend Mark of Divinity for the giant health pool it has and suedo death-proc.
The rest is pretty interchangeable, although, your primary goal is to get HP (I shot for 12k) and Aether damage. I much recommend Riftwarped Grasp for the -1.5s CD reduction on Doom Bolt. If you don’t have these, then a good defensive substitute would be Hand Guards of Justice. Occultist/Arcanist classes have stupid low HP in general so breaking 12k hp can be very difficult.
VI. Boss Fights
[u]New Warlock fights[/u]
-The Master of Flesh
[u]Old Warlock fights. The new build has more tank and damage so these fights are definitely still viable[/u]
-Chamber of Souls
-Mad Queen - This fight is tedious because I’ve rip’d against her before and am too timid to risk taking too much damage for more dps
-Iron Maiden - There’s a slight pause because I was looking for suitable music for the battle (thanks Plasmstrike67).
VII. Leveling Guide
Use Bloody Pox w/ Fevered Rage.
VIII. Conclusion
If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Any criticism? I’m always trying to make my builds better, so have at it!