HCE Ironman on Torchlight 2 - Looking for people !

Video about our first day : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCdlm0WT3XQ

Today we have beaten Act 1, but at the cost of 2 fallen heroes. The outlander died one-shot before Grell, mostly due to some desync :confused: And the Berzerker dashed into a group of mages in Frosted Hills.

We only have the Embermage and the Engineer left, but we have a pretty decent gear so I hope we will make it to at least the Luminous Area :slight_smile:

PS: We made it past lvl 20. Hurray !

Nice to see that people are still having fun with TL2. I played it a few hundred hours. Now i am watching my little nephew playing it on my pc when he’s on a visit (blood off 'cos mommey doesn’t allow it lol).

I just uploaded the second video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo36eb9a9fk&index=2&list=PLX5z5uWcCPxrrTTiAcHsnKCDF9xWoRbYy
So until the end of Act 1 :slight_smile:

Yesterday we played again and it was the end of the run :stuck_out_tongue: Our engineer got gang banged by 3 champions scarab (one of them duplicated), as for me I also got crowded by 4 paralyzer beasts that were paralyzing me in turn… huh

That’s really too bad because the run was going so well, and it ended quite sooner than I expected… Video coming soon :slight_smile:

But we’re gonna start again on Friday the 4 of us !

Well TL2 is my favorite ARPG because of its very dynamic gameplay, and builds are quite simple in the sense that you don’t have to scratch your head for hours before figuring out what to build.

Just too bad that the MP community vanished :confused: