TL;DR: Does Sigil of Consumption only heal for the Vitality damage it deals? Does it perhaps only heal for the base damage of the skill (aka healing ignores “damage added to attack” effects)?
Greetings all,
Silly questions, probably, but some effects don’t read the way I expected. Likely it’s my fault for that.
I was experimenting with my DEE Retaliation Sentinel (GRIMTOOLS) and discovered sitting in my stash was an Okaloth’s Visage (the Sigil of Consumption version). My build doesn’t use Sigil, but seeing the 25% retaliation damage added to attack to Sigil got me wondering…
It’s not that the build desperately needs a 50k+ damage ‘tick’, but there were a few skill points I could move around. I had the concept that since SoC returns 25% of attack damage I should receive a full heal every second an enemy is present in the Sigil. The build has 17k max health, and 25% of 50k is 12.5k - tested on the dummy and the damage is correct for the situation where Messenger of War proc is not up. However, in practice the healing simply doesn’t happen unless I’m just not doing it right. I expected my health bar to jump all over the place, but it doesn’t.
So my questions: Does Sigil of Consumption only heal for the Vitality damage it deals? Does it perhaps only heal for the base damage of the skill (aka healing ignores “damage added to attack” effects)? My retaliation damage is Acid, Fire and Physical, and the build buffs Vitality only by accident, so the only Vitality damage is the base damage on the skill.
heals from all the flat dmg it deals, not the true DoT (decay/burn etc) as i understand it real DoT can’t leech/scale leech (but legit not 100% certain if it’s so)
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So just the unbuffed total flat damage, then? Not with the +% retaliation damage from gear etc?
no, all the flat dmg it deals, doesn’t matter if it comes from skill line (Destruction), skill modifier on item (120 fire dmg on Okaloth) - or if it’s from rata; as long as that retaliation added to attack is flat and not DoT(burn retal/poison retal etc), it/the flats will all get combined and factored in for the calculated X dmg converted to health
All the retaliation damage in the build is Acid, Fire or Physical (no DoTs). Will need to work out what the flat damage is though: +2000% is quite a lot of scaling. Probably in the region of 2500 max flat damage, so only about 125 health/s. That looks more like the healing I get, yeah.
i think you should be able to see directly on the helmet how much the dmg is ? - not sure i remember right but i feel like rata mods has a dmg value listed/attached in parentheses or something?
or alternatively, slot Sigil to RMB, open char page 2 and check up top, it will list the total dmg value of the skill, you can then mouse over and subtract the dots, the flats is the portion that will be used to heal X% amount of
Rata on the helm is “25% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack to SoC”. Grim Tools shows my retaliation damage as around 165k total (without the procs from Messenger of War and Shield Wall), 25% of which is 41k. That is what I see on the dummy; this bit is working.
SoC has 25% of ADCtH, so if it deals 41k why don’t I receive 10k health per enemy? Unless we take out the +2000% on my flat retaliation, it doesn’t make sense.
what i mean is i think you should be able to see the actual dmg value ingame, not 100% sure but i think rata mods displays like that ingame
because that’s not how dmg works?
you have a base dmg, this will be mitigated by enemy defences
enemies aside from regular defences also has specifically life leech resist (rather a lot on Ultimate)
so not only is your base dmg reduced, but even if you then have RR to counter a part of their dmg reduction, they have additional direct reduction to the lifesteal amount, so you will always get reduced healing
(this is why increased healing effects stat can be neat now)
Here’s the screenshot of the listed damage for SoC in game (no buffs up).

Looks like an average of around 25k. That’s still a 1k heal per enemy and I really don’t think I’m seeing that in contact with the enemy.
“enemies aside from regular defences also has specifically life leech resist (rather a lot on Ultimate)”
Is this maybe the key thing I’m missing? I have a lot of Acid -RR, but I didn’t consider life leech resist.
just a trash mob/champion
your 1k healing now got reduced to 300
you’re now healing 150
you’re now healing 100 per tick
*and that’s assuming full dmg is even applied in effect, it can be higher or lower depending on enemy stats/defences/resists and your RR ofc
**there will also be a handful of enemies that’s just full on 100% immune to leech from ofc
Okay, that makes a LOT more sense than whatever I had in my head.
Thank you!
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