Health Regen Defense Discussion

I have a couple of characters oriented to health regeneration with whom I clear crucible very well

That Avenger Warder gets 90% of its durability from having 17% ADCTH. You could drop the health regen by 90% and your durability won’t be noticeably affected. Ulzuin pury mortar pury pyran sorc.
All of them worked fine with just health regen two patch ago. I’m fully aware that they aren’t fastest builds in the world and that that regen was never optimal , but i could play them.
Right now even that sorc that is perfecty invulnerable 1/3 of time no longer function on pure regen.

probably one day we’ll see vids of their current performance.


i’m still confused as to what exactly happened that made regen go from “completely viable, to 100% useless” in 2 patches
^unless i’m just completely oblivious/0% attentive and don’t notice any (significant) cruci changes for “regular” builds… - to me kinda feels like i get obliterated the same or “win” the same, and mostly it’s either my subpar build or 98% because i’m just messing up/not seeing XY effect, and ex dive head first into aleks meteor with zantarin shotgun followup or other stupid stuff…

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I’m not min-maxxing and my Warder only has ~1500 health regen, but it already feels too safe at times.
You all raised your standards too high.

I view health regen as one part in defense mechanics. Don’t put all eggs in one basket. It is like trying to maintain hp with just life steal, you need other things too


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