Health Regen Defense Discussion

I want to point out that regen focused builds that worked fine in CR150+ 1.1.6/7 are in garbage bin right now. I simply can`t finish 150+ with 4 buffs on pyran/ilzuin/infernal knight builds unless i ignore all regen, scrap most defense and put ADCTH+ with as much dps i can, resulting in super dumb and monotonous gameplay. Like why i have to cast the same stormfire crap on 3 absolutely different builds that shoudln’t even cast it in first place?
Also that passive ADCTH that is now everywere is cancer. Scale proc that heal you? Guardian gaze that heal you? Healing anvil? Now even vindictive flame heal you , lol, what the?


Hold my beer


I hold it when you do it 4 times in a row w/o banners. And no Guardian gaze with 15% ADCTH.
Also just noticed SoC. LOL, true regen build, nothing to wory about, just some extra healing here and there for half health every second.

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And w/o buffs.
And w/o sigils and GG.
And playing on a guitar. By legs. With blindfold. Underwater.

Any other stupid requests to prove build’s capabilities? :slight_smile:


Strong regen build! Excelent job proving how good Regen is by using guardian gaze and Sigil of consumpsion in the easyest crucible setup on a single lucky run! /s I bet if would be even better with giant swaped with bat and maxed sigil instead of Vindictive flame.

Maybe it’s your turn to post your regen builds and how they struggle?

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MB its my turn to just ignore your bunch? You know, just like you ignore some minor details in your build and my initial post?

well. you rushed into the thread and said that some of your regen builds struggle w/o providing any evidence of it.
I proved you wrong by a vid of a regen build that doesn’t struggle and asked you to post your builds.
and then you say you should start ignoring me.
well, everything is really ok. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not sure what places, but i can do some math about SoC effectiveness.With ~12k dmg per sigil and 30% ADCTH its alredy healing more that his regen if there is 3 nemesis in a single sigil. More that double if there is two sigils. Almost to full in one tick if some trash spawned. I`m no sure why he even call it a regen build? Cause he slaped Giant?
And do ppl even realise how much sustain we gain from Guardian gaze alone? 9k dmg 5 times per second with 15% ADCTH.
But yeah, i can see the impact of 958 health regen per second when Giant is on CD.


ever heard of lifesteal resistance on enemies?

I counted them at base 95%
Like here, he is down to 2k hp, guess what helped him to survive? ) I bet its 3k regen per second, and not 5 stacked sigils.
And, btw, here how it feel plaing as a caster w/o any ADCTH on full kite setup See the difference?

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I’m agreed on the point that health regen lacks devs love as defensive mechanics


i think a good point would be to explain/inform Z of why your regen builds aren’t holding up compared to before
just saying “regen is garbage since 1.1.6/7” not only isn’t constructive but it provides 0 information, not just as counterpoint to the other players/comparing builds(lifesteal or not), but also to the person you are advocating for the changes…
like i could totally say several of my fire builds are garbage… doesn’t really help much tho. Now if i just included and alluded to ex “borked resists and absent phys res on 99% fire item”, that might help a little more, even if i didn’t include a GT link to my (trash) fire builds…

it’s not about a build pissing contest with the other community members, it’s about providing the directions required to address the issue raised


Cause the whole map jump on my face from second 1 and keep chain CC on me ? And the combination of dubuffs that were “balanced” around the fact that restoring 40k HP per second is normal ?

well, there are 2 important facts:

  • when you play naked crucible, you should expect a very hard challenge and prepare your builds for it.
  • the video you posted is more than 1 year old. lots of things had changed, and Ik Shielbreaker clears Crucible much much faster than in 10:30.

but how is that different from 2 patches ago, “specifically”
granted i’m also not running regen reliant builds, but did i miss something in patch notes and monsters got drastically buffed in Cruci through 2020/the last couple of patches?

The amount of non-dogeable debuffs that your character gets increased to the point when you either kill stuff very fast, or you play some retal/binder/infiltrator/opressor level character or you leech like crazy. Or you die.

Health regeneration can be used as part of your defense and do very good job. If you put it on paper thin build, you’ll start complaining how bad it is.

I did Pyran Sorc focused on health regen, grabbing all possible gear/devos with it and avoid stuff like Bat. It can do naked Crucible, although that’s purely optional challenge. I judge my characters based on buffs/banners runs.

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I tested my Obsidian Tremors Commando (1,900 Base Regen, 5,000 Regen when Menhir’s Will and other buffs are applied) in naked Crucible to see how far the incoming damage would go. In 5 attempts, the average “incoming DPS” was roughly 32,000 at their peak; roughly twice the health of an average build. Half that (16,000 DPS) was Physical Damage, which could OHKO builds by itself, though my build has only 20% Physical Resistance.

It beats Crucible + Extra Spawns fine with buffs and banners; the axiom “dead characters do 0 DPS” apply to enemies just as well as players.

I always supplement my builds with some health regen and it’s really useful for when you need to reposition or deal with strong DOTs, but unless the playstyle allows kiting it really can’t be used as your primary choice of sustain. It’s been that way since forever. You need procs like Dryad + Tree of Life or lifesteal. Or an incredibly tanky build using 22/22 Inquisitor Seal.

The issues stated in this post are the same I’ve had with this game since forever. Sustainability options aren’t diverse enough in this game, leading to people using tools meant for vitality/bleeding damage builds on nearly every build, with a few exceptions here and there. The current most terrible example I’ve found is needing to use Rotgheist Emblem for Ember’s Calling DEE. But you find the same sort of thing happening all the time i.e. Bat constellation. It led to Scales getting nerfed, which I find really obnoxious because I only ever used that devotion for the -RR and now it’s completely useless to me with Manticore having better numbers and a better proc method.

I’ve never played with the Pyran set, but my experience with mortars is that you need to stand still to deal maximum damage, which is going to be impossible with Pyran set and just health regen, no matter how much of it you get.

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