Hello and congrats on a Kickstarter well funded

My name is Guy, and I just pledged on the kickstarter page a couple of days ago. I heard about Grim Dawn before, but only after seeing the kickstarter page and coming here I realized how active the community here is, and how much the developers are involved with the community.
This is just the thing that makes you believe in a project and want to contribute as well.

I noticed that Grim Dawn just to hit the 280K target, so congratulations to Crate. Here’s to passing the 500K mark by the May 18th deadline :smiley:

hello and weclome, yes its awesome that the goal has been reached

so enjoy your stay on the forums, as we are all a friendly lot here

hello and welcome, yes its awesome that the goal has been reached

so enjoy your stay on the forums, as we are all a friendly lot here

Yeah, I’m lazy today

Hi and welcome - as good a time as any to join the forums!

Welcome & enjoy your stay :slight_smile:
I’d make a cake for hitting 280k, but ended up working late -.-

Hello Guy,

Welcome to the forums and community, hope you enjoy your stay. :smiley:
It is great that we hit our first goal and thanks for your pledge, every little bit will help to make it better :slight_smile:

cake cake cake… uhh no cake?

welcome and enjoy your stay. Great news on getting funded, i hope it does not stop here.

Hello and welcome to the forum! Your support is greatly appreciated. :slight_smile: