Hello Community...

…greetings from Germany!
I´m 33 years old and I love arpgs since the first Diablo. Currently I´m playing TL2 and TQIT!
Grim Dawn looks so awesome and I look forward to the Alpha Release.

Welcome aboard the Crate Express.
Next stop Grim Dawn Alpha. (Hopefully, late April/early May)
Enjoy the trip (waiting) with the rest of us.

hi and welcome, and glad you found us and deicide to support Crate, so yeah, we are all looking forward to the alpha release, but no news on when that will be mind, but hopefully soon, so wait in line like the rest of us, there is a very long queue already :smiley:

Hello and Welcome to the wait for Grim Dawn.

Hope you enjoy your stay in these cozy forums and ask any questions if you have any.


I´m so happy to be a part of the Grim Dawn Community!
I only speak a little English, but i can read and understand everything!:o
So thanks for welcome me!

Hello Blutbader and welcome to Grim Dawn forum.

welcome to the forums
