Hello every1 Ankadur here!

Hi every1, i’ve bought Grim Dawn recently and let me tell you guys, i love this game i’ve played Diablo 2, PoE but meh, compared to thi game i must admit i love it. I’ve seen some bugs in multiplayer but i managed a fix, if ur having game freezes when refreshing on multiplayer heres the fix http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31198

I hope i can help the game evolving as much as i can and as well play with other players too

I’m currently in colege studying programation (2 years course) and then im going for Game making graduation, and who knows i might as well end up joining this “crate” game’s team :smiley:

if u guys are looking for a friend to play with just message me i’ll check this forum daily :slight_smile:

Hello Ankadur,

and welcome to the forum and grim dawn

hi. welcome to the forum and this great game! :slight_smile:

Thank you ^^

Hi, and welcome :).