Hello everyone, anyone looking for someone to play with?

Hello there, picked up Grim Dawn the other week, pulled in 82 hours since then, not a beginner in ARPGs as I have been playing d2, d3, poe, tq and multiple less memerable ones, big fan of Grim Dawn and the direction it is heading so I am looking for people to play and enjoy the game with.

My steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050194103/

Hello. Welcome to the forums. You might add your time zone and when you play if you want people to MP with. MP works pretty good now if you do not try to connect to people on the other side of the planet.

Anyway, checked your profile and saw your steam friend “Too Fat To Parkour”. What a great username. Had a good laugh at that.

Now, you must explain the potato avatar. :confused:

Haha, alright, i play a lot of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the rank system there got multiple stages, I currently go between DMG and Eagle, and whenever I hit eagle which is the higher one i go full potato, I lose all sense of game play and just play horribly until i rank down again, hence my potato when I am at eagle rank :slight_smile:

‘other side of the planet’

Can I take that to mean there is now an Australian Server!!! :D:p

You’re all the other side of the planet to us :undecided: :furious: