Hello everyone

I decided to play this game because my gf & I were huge Diablo 2 fans back in the day. I don’t remember the last ladder season we did; but it was probably around 2009. Then we switched to some MMO’s and recently reminisced about the “old days” of Diablo 2 and how fun it was so I did some research on games like Diablo 2 and found this one. We bought it a few days ago and have been playing it since.

More recently I’ve been playing Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls.

I plan on streaming this game so feel free to come in and hang out with me…I can certainly use all the advice I can get as I learn this game. Or you can laugh at all my mistakes :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum and to the game Stodie. Enjoy both.

And have a look at Titan Quest Immortal Throne too if you haven’t tried that. Get a Gold Edition with Titan Quest and Titan Quest Immortal Throne, install both and then play the Immortal Throne version.

Hi Stodie, welcome to the forum and this great game! enjoy Cairn! :slight_smile:

Hi, welcome to the forums and GD. :smiley:

Good luck with the streaming :slight_smile:

Hello Stodie,

and welcome to the forum and grim dawn