Hello everyone, good day, night or what ever time it is for ya when u’ll read this.
So I am AtrKaInN,
i am 33, i leave in france near Paris, i played video games since I was very young on atari 2600. Indeed i have always played video games as far as i can remember.
I am now principaly playing on pc, for a quit a long time now, and my predictive games are the action rpg ones. I used to play diablo, diablo II and i play diablo III from time to time when there are new updates. I also played a lot of titan quest back in the day and it was my favorite game with D2 at this time. Naturaly i followed Grim dawn, and finaly i bought it a few days ago because i couldn t wait more. And it is a awsome game!!! my favorite so far for a long long time!!
I let you guys go back to your games, thank you if have readed me that farn and hf =)