hello grim dawn community

I live in Reunion Island, i’m a 34 year old guy , fan of hack’n slash / ARPG :slight_smile:

I’ve played d1 d2 d3 , dungeon siege , titan quest , still playing path of exile.

I just bought Grim , i’m level 10 soldier. I really enjoy the game as it is and i know it may only get better =)

good game , good luck , have fun folks !

Thanks Crate Entertainment for making an excellent game !

sorry about my poor english language skills

Welcome to the community and I wish you well on your adventures in Cairn.

Also your English is quite good imo.


Your post makes me think that steam should have a world map where you can track the locations of people currently playing a certain game. I would love to see how GD has infected people world-wide.

And…level 10 you say? What are you doing here, get back to the game!

Also, be sure to look in the options, there are 2 different modes of mouse behavior and it is quite possible that the less popular choice is on by default. Uncheck classical targeting and see which you prefer.

Yea that would be quite cool to see.

Thanks for the mouse targeting tip ! switch target made easier :slight_smile:

he and welcome to the community, and glad you are enjoying the game


You’re in for years of fun!

Welcome, welcome! Enjoy your stay.

Welcome aboard! :smiley:

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