Hello guys!

Hello to all!

I’m an ARPG player since 1996, I’m very interessed in GD! I never know about it, discover it a fews days ago, and I’m excited!

I’m from Brazil, almost 30 years old and I will have a baby soon :slight_smile: so I think I can’t play it a lot, but I’m very interested in this game.

I have some questions, if you guys can help out?

1 - Is there any launch date informed? I try to search for that but can’t find :frowning:
2 - How is the alpha going? Is it able to play the game, or just for testing purposes? Characters resets at the end of the alpha?
3 - Anyone from Brazil playing? If yes, how is the latency?

Thanks a lot guys, cheers for all, and good job Crate!

Hi and welcome!
No release date yet, just went into alpha.
Alpha is very playable with some minor to annoying bugs, but nothing game breaking. It’s just the first act, but 10 - 20 hours of gameplay, depending on your play style.
I don’t know if anyone from Brazil is on here or not. I’m in the USA.

1: it was supposed to come out August 2013, but I assume it will be somewhat later (given that alpha was delayed by a few months), so more likely late 2013 / early 2014
2: good, I enjoy the game, it is mostly stable with no major bugs
3: not sure if anyone is from Brazil, but latency does not exist, as this is not an MMO, you do not connect to a central server (or any server for now, alpha does not yet have MP, even even once MP is in, it is local MP, i.e. one player hosts while the others join him, no central server)