

I am dr_bowtie and I just joined. I did sign for Legendary contribution as I like the idea of the game.

A friend of mine found this site as we were looking for custom maps for TQIT…

We have played it quite alot and sad that there wont be any more updates…BUT, that brings us here. I read most all the links on the Home Page and that really got me interested and I couldnt pass on helping out…really anxious

I just wanted to say Hi and look forward to this game :slight_smile:

EDIT: I would like to add that I am on Steam under my forum name and play all kinds of games…

from TQIT still to Alien Swarm to Eve Online…

Hello and welcome. Glad you’ve joined the rest of us GD enthusiasts. It’s looking like it’s going to be a great game to play.

Have you tried any/all of the TQ mods you will find at titanquest.net? If not, they’ll help fill the waiting time until GD hits our computers.

no I havent tried any mods…mostly looking for custom maps…I just dont like the forums there…

Hi bud, welcome to the forums.

Played a bit of EvE myself, but gave away after a few months. Got really boring for me. Can’t wait until you get walk around space stations though!

Welcome aboard!

Thanks guys…

I find Eve mostly boring too…

the thing is that I belong to a couple small gaming clans and I just play Eve because some of the others have…I can only handle a day or so a month…its not a bad game…its very large in size and there is many things to do…exploration is fun…

I would have loved to have gotten into it a lot more. Problem is I get bored easily. I tried very hard to stick it out. Joined a couple of Corps, had 2 accounts, bought some plesk to get myself going a bit quicker… but meh… was still a bit boring.

I think the whole idea of not having an character infront of you irked me a bit. I dunno… i’m so used to seeing my “toon” and feeling as though Im controlling him/her… where as in Eve, you are just a ship… I dunno…

PvP was exciting, the 2 times I did it.