
I don’t normally do forums, I just read through when I have questions. But I’ve been following this for a long time now and thought I should participate from time to time. I loved TQ, got it when it first came out. Played it so many times. Played TQIT soooo many times as well. Didn’t get into mods till recently to be honest but started a non moded new game just recently. Love the game. Can’t wait until Grim Dawn comes out. I just plain and simple can’t wait. If I won the lottery (and I mean this), I would attempt to fully fund the dev of this game. I don’t even play that many games anymore. I probably spend 2 months, twice a year playing an avg 10 hours a week during those 2 months. other than that I would average 5 hours a month on some arcade game on the PS3 or 3 dollar game off of steam.

Welcome! Love your enthusiasm.