
Hi. I am Sean. And I have been playing this game for some time now. Also I am enjoying reading a lot of the threads and tids bit of pieces of information from people around here. I am fairly knowledgeable about the game since I have been lurking for almost a year now. Finally got some courage to step in.

I cant wait for the expansion.

Welcome to the forums :smiley:

Hiya sean, welcome to the forums and it’s a pleasure to see an Anti-Paladin, makes a nice change from the Paladin worship in some places :D:D

Thank you sir! I am fan of your builds sir, although you dont have many.

I’d love to express my thoughts in this forum but I was too lazy to post. But now I have a solid reason to do so. The main reason I join this forums is to stop the paladin order that has been rampaging this forum like spambots from Asia.

Hence my profile name is created. Have a good day to everyone and happy gaming always.

Thank you also Jaknet.

Well let’s just hope it all remains light hearted and friendly :wink:

Don’t worry I dont intend to get banned for that. I hate paladins but I dont hate the people playing them