Hello! I’m trying to make a mod which achieves at least one, and possibly two of the following.
I would like my character to appear barefoot if I don’t have any boots equipped, as a minimum.
I would also like to make equippable boots invisible to then remain barefoot. Weird, I know, but I want it.
The thing is, I’m not sure how to go about it. I don’t know that I’m good enough at modeling to create it properly from scratch, so I was hoping to find one of the bare feet models in the game… most zombies are barefoot, as are children, etc, so the models are already there, though I realize they may need tweaking, but I can’t seem to find any of the models or textures for them.
The models and textures for the feet of zombies and children seem to be built in, not a separate model, like a GearFeet item.
Any ideas?