Help me find my (expensive) animals

My goat and my chickens disappeared. I searched a bit on the internet and it appears you need a fence around the grazing area (who knew?).
I had just bought a goat and four chickens. All I’ve got left right now is one chicken. I assume the rest ran away when the herder wasn’t looking. Is there any way to get them back? I have no idea where they went to or what to do if I do find them. It’s also possible that a wolf ate them of course, but I’d think the game would tell me? Though it would have been nice if it told me about them running away as well :smiley:
I spend all my gold to buy those animals and no way I’ve got enough for another goat :rofl: (and I actually need at least two).

They should appear (somewhere) on your map as “rogue” with a red icon above them, like when animals are sick or hungry. Once you have a fenced area for them, assign as many animal handlers as you can afford and they will round up the rogue livestock and bring them back. Assuming they haven’t been eaten already, of course…


You need a fence around the whole thing, not just the grazing area. Their buildings also need to be inside the fence otherwise they just run out through the buildings.

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@Darrke Thanks. I fear the worst as I don’t see any red icons.

Oh no… my building is on the other side of the road :sweat_smile: I guess I’ll move it :thinking:

Nice fence you got there :face_with_monocle:

I got a baby chicken (chick?) so now I have two at least. I think the goat and the rest of the chickens are lost forever though.

This should be good, right? (Apart from the game’s creative fence building :D)