Help me make a great Grim Dawn Mod! Read me!

Hello everyone my name is Ben, I am 33 years old and it is my dream to make this Grim Dawn Mod. Please help my dream come true! On the downside I have no knowledge in modding in any game except Neverwinter Nights Daimond. I am going to be very hard at work to create the Grim Dawn mod of my dreams. It will take a very long time to get released due to the fact I have so much to learn for the things I have to do in order for this mod to come in even the slightest effect, in order to create this mod. I am doing a total revamp of the masteries, stats, monsters, AI. I intend to leave the maps and quests the same.

The main focus of this mod is to be a basic mastery mod that fills playing a tactical role for each two combined masteries you pick. The game is intended to be much more role emphasized and difficult.

I dont care how hard this is going to be for me, I really really want to see this through and ask for help accordingly and teammates to assist me to create this along the way. Those that will help I will donate money to help making my mod dream come true. So your a modder and your probably wanting to know more details and work about the project, before you want to get involved. I will do as much as I can to post information and documents about what I truly want implemented in my mod. For starters I will be creating a new post as fast as I can with the new mastery descriptions, side notes, details, and concept. After all my first focus is to ask for help to make the new classes as I work on the monsters, and items. I know its a lot to ask but I really am investing my hard earned money, time, and ambition into this project. Not giving up even if I get zero help. I will be waiting patiently and politely for the grim dawn mod gods to help me. It will be a very fun Grim Dawn game. I hope you guys will like my ideas.

  • Dearest respects and hopes, Ben.

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So as I have explained somewhat in my first post how I wish your combined masteries will fullfill a possible role to your 4 player team. This is a difficult strategic 4 player role intended mod. Each player obviously fullfills 2 roles, because each character gets 2 masteries. Before changing and revamping how the stats and leveling up works I wish to talk about the possible roles in the mod, and then the mastery concepts. Please see table chart below. I think its pretty easy to understand. Each role per character has 2 masteries. With 8 roles. Please keep in mind I added few side notes of core mechanics to my mod to help understand the concept.

Character Roles From Each Mastery

  1. Tank Role: The Tank’s job is to grab the attention of enemies and block or sustain the damage they dish. Tanks are usually super strong and sturdy. All masteries in the Tank role have poor area of effect attacks and very poor amount of attacks in skills in range. They are also slower then most classes because of the weight they carry but if they remain in combat they have some abilities to enclose the distance. Like Shield Charge and more. All tank masteries have little to no cooldowns on there skills, but cost a lot of energy. Tanks have very poor energy regeneration.
    -Big Important Side Notes to better understand role emphasis’s- to understand the a quick mechanic of my mod: There is no potions of energy in my mod. Health potions still exist but each mastery has different effects as to what the health potion may do. For example: If you invest in the tank role Barbarian, you would obtain 0 health points but full constitution for drinking a health potion. Some of you may be thinking is that even possible? How can you have the same health potion have different effects to each mastery when you get 2 masteries. Do the potion effects of each mastery combine? My answer is no I do not intend to make potion effects combine per 2 masteries. Your first mastery selected is the only special effects to your health potions. Meaning your primary focus is your first mastery and your secondary mastery will have lesser strengths then your primary. Other then health potions there are many other things that come in effect for selecting a first mastery. Like passive attributes and properties. For example if you select 1 of the 2 tank masteries, lets keep going with Barbarian as your first mastery choice. You would get all the passive mastery effects and potion effects of that class. So if you selected Barbarian, you would have 0 energy and can only obtain getting energy through heal spells (Not Potions or constitution regeneration!). However much you cast a skill or spell that heals you or if a party member heals you with a skill or spell you gain as much energy as the hitpoints you are healed for. Also Barbarians gain energy through losing a certain percentage of life gaining a small buff to energy regeneration. These features only comes in effect for selecting Barbarian as your first mastery. And also means it would be hard to cast magic spells from your second mastery because you dont start or have instant max energy and in order to cast mage aoe spells you would have to take some damage or get healed. And that is why it is important you select your first primary as what you want your main focus to be and your secondary mastery to be as a back up. Sorry for the explanation in the middle of my chart table but I thought this would be very important to understand some things on how each role will be different with each mastery, and the order they are selected in. Barbarian then Necormancer is way different then Necromancer then Barbarian. For example Barbarian Necromancer is less squishy, but Necromancer Barbarian would have more damage and croud control for your team but be more squishy. Now that all that is explained here are the masteries for Tank:

a) Barbarian: Barbarians are the strongest and most enduring of all classes. They wear little armor to compensate for attack speed and are so strong and enduring that they have the most hitpoints then any other mastery. Barbarians focus on Dual Wielding, and Two Handed weapons. Skills of the barbarian include going in special rages and frenzies that make him dish out super strong attacks and gain some resistances for going in a berserker rage. The Barbarian is not only fast but, nimble and acrobatic aswell able to dodge most attacks. A Barbarians role is to make sure no monsters get to the squishy teammates killing them before they get to close to anyone else. The Barbarians weaknesses are poor armor rating, less resistant to damage over time because of being in poor armor, little amount of area of effect damage, poor ranged capabilities, and has to take damage or heals to gain the ability to use his special attacks and skills. The way Barbarians gain energy is through hitting certain percentages of low life and or however many hit points the barbarian gets healed from a spell or skill. Barbarians can not gain energy through health regeneration, nor health potions. Also the barbarian has 0 energy regeneration and high max energy because Barbarians have great stamina. Barbarians do not gain health from drinking health potions but automatically get full constitution. For Barbarians constitution will not replenish your health rapidly but much slower. Helping you reach certain health percentages more accomadatingly to gain energy from recoperating at hitting a certain health percentage. Barbarians are chaotic in this way.

Side Note: I know creating my mastery system is going to be very hard but I am wondering is the way I want to even do things possible? I hope to hear some insight. Please stay tuned for my next idea for my next tank mastery.

b) Knight: To the rest is to be continued for now. I got tired and need a nap. But here is the following lists of roles and each mastery included for each role.

Rogue Role: a) Ninja, b) Monk
Ranger Role: a) Marksmen, b) Hunter
AoE Mage Role: a) Wizard, b) Warlock
Pet Master Role: a) Necromancer, b) Druid
Controller Role: a) Psion, b) Elementalist
Healer Role: a) Priest, b) Spiritualist
Enchanter Role: a) Bard, b) Occultist

I hope you guys tell me what you think so far. Please free to ask anything you like and ask as many questions as you want. Also I will be making future posts asking for help how to code certain things or make this dream possible. Thank you for all your time. I hope you like my ideas for the game. If you wish to help me make the mod or give insight and help please send me a personal message or a post here. With your Email address!

I’m not much of a modder. Descent, fallout, skyrim. I’m more graphic art.

As for modding, that can get tricky. Like new animations. If you never did animations before…then it becomes trying to turn what is already created into the mod. Look at all the games, path of exile, grim dawn, titan quest diablo, etc. Really hard to try to create something new.

Hello Ben. Basically, You’re at the stage I was at when the modding tools 1st came out. Effort beats talent every time and if you have that same passion, You will get there.

Take a good look around the forum and topics, there are tons of info. I had a few times where I thought " Man this is too much " or "damn I can’t get this to work " Keep trying or ask for help, don’t stop.

I was unlucky with modding, I build this massive custom game with full-blown areas, monsters, pet, items, and sets only for my computer to get stolen from my house lol. Lost 1000’s of hours of work. So now I just run a “simple” class overhaul mod for me and my friends ( Aka just like you said you are doing )

I look forward to how far you will go :slight_smile:

One option is kinda missing from Grim dawn…basically a healer and debuffer. A character that is great for multiplayer.