Help needed, buildcheck

Greetings to all,

i just finished Elite(-Modrogon) with my first Char (Conjurer/Pet) While i played veteran with several Chars non catched me enough to play on. Overall i am quite happy with the build and didn’t had any real problems but i am unsure about the devotions.

Here’s the link, equipment is missing because i don’t own something special, most items are bought from factions, the only legendary is a meatshield. Ress are overcapped expect for pierce(76%) and Stun (0%)

I hope someone with good knowledge about Petbuild can check my build and give some advice.
oh and please explain why you would change x or y.

Many thanks

Hard to say as I can’t see any gear in the link. Skill-wise, Bond of Bysmiel and Manipulation is a must. Softcap the latter by all means. The former, too, if possible. Devotion-wise, Mogdrogen is afaik the least popular path. People usually go north towards the Guardian or west to Dying God. But I totally support unorthodox solutions.

I wear the Roverstuff bought from the Faction and the Meatshield…nothing special. While i got many drops and even could complete some of the lesser sets… buti didn’t got anything for a conjurer since Lev. 35^^

Bonds of Bysmiel&Manuipulation
I don’t have the points imo, at Lev. 100 with Hidden Path done*3 i have 12 spare points but i would need 18 alone to unluck both skills. I can only skill them if i get gear that is good enough that i can reduce some of the defensive skills

In my humble opinion there’s no such thing as “I don’t have points for Manipulation” with a pet occultist. Anywhere you pull from, it’ll be worth it.

i would suggest checking build compendium for pet builds, especially from Sigatrev and Maya - all answers are there.

I checked a number of them and most had been very helpfull esp. one older Cabalist guide that explained quite some stuff indepth.

The problem is…i get some idea that should work, i test it with the calc. and it still should work. The problems arise on the Way to reach the goal.

Like Bond of Bysmiel&manipulation, it would be good to take it but imo i need more points in guardian&oak for Ress and i shy away freom reducing Modrogon&Heart. Seems i just lack experience with Grim Dawn because i often end up deciding between two things without any real idea what is more usefull or better what is needed to stay alive.

Anyway, thanks for your time, i will swap some skillpoints and see how it works.

It might be easier for others to help if we knew what items you have atm.

Also, this is a personal opinion which you can disregard entirely if you want to, but I would suggest going for a build from this thread. You can spec out of Dying God and choose Shepherd’s instead if you are worried about the hp drain.

Or ofcourse, you can go for one of mine but since I use greens I can’t recommend that if you are just starting out. That said, here are 3 builds without any greens based on my pet conjurer:

I’ve been planning to put together a Conjurer beginners guide for a while now, I was waiting to see what changed in 1.0.7 but now I have no excuse. In the meantime, Maya’s suggestions are all pretty good ways to go.

Here is a little advice for the immediate future:

Drop Hellfire. It’s great if you are going full chaos and already have Witching Hour, Voidwisper Bands, and Wildshorn/Alexander’s pants, but otherwise it’s pretty much useless.

Drop Storm Spirit unless you absolutely need the elemental resist. It’s great if you’re going elemental or have tons of spare skill points or have lots of +all skills, but manipulation is going to do a lot more for you.

Use a caster off-hand, preferably either something with + skills, or any Bound Wraith (Monster Infrequent from act 5). With your current skills/items, Primal Spirit is doing almost all of your damage. Having as high an uptime as possible is going to pay off in spades.

Regarding devotion, Mogdrogen the Wolf is really good, but when considered along with the other constellations you need take it, the full devotion setups using either Ishtak or Dying God + Aeons Hourglass tend to seriously outperform it. Going for Mogdrogen makes it very hard to get run speed, resists, and good pet Celestial Powers at the same time. It’s probably going to be fine in the main campaign, but that is why it’s never used in the top-tier end game builds

Post your items. They may not be great or special, but there may be some easy wins you can get from additional faction or MI items(regardless of affixes)

…i fought 30min with the GD-Build Calc. until i found out that i can load the Itemsetup from my save…something to laugh or cry about :slight_smile:

Here it is,
as you can see…nothing special aside from the nice weapon i got from a optional Boss at the Burrowwitch Area. I allready tried to get one of higher level but gave up after getting crap for around 30 trys. While i played a great number of char most of them did not catch my interest enough to play on after Elite.
So i have many blue Items, a good number of green Items that seemed usefull but only a few Legendarys.

About the Builds you linked, they’re very interesting and helpfull but i allready read a number of Builds before i started this Char. I would prefer to make this build better instead of just copying one of the Topbuilds. If you say this build is beyond hope to survive Ultimate i will most likly erase him and start a other Char. It’s hard to describe but i make Chars with a bit RPG in mind and with a complete change…let’s say to dying god it wouldn’t be my Char anymore.

About Hellfire&Stormspirit, my idea was that the Flat +damage would stack with the +%all damage. Was this wrong?

For some reson i did not allowed me to edit my post…again.

Items:Most items i have are below Lev. 75.

I even had to google what Witching hour and the other stuff is…so no :slight_smile:
Overall…no special Items to make a build around.
My Itemgoal would be to get a Beastcallerset for a 2. Biathorne but until i get a complete Set it’s most likly outdated or we allready have Grim Dawn 2 :slight_smile:

Are you my long lost twin? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because the entire reason why I created my own build was because I couldn’t bring myself to just copy someone else’s build. I wanted something of mine. So I know that feeling all too well.

Now, for the flat dmg stacking. In general it is good, yes. But the point was that manipulation is simply too good to pass up. 12 points there would do you much more good than 12 points in Hellfire for example.

There are improvements to be made interms to your items and their augments and components, but that depends on what else you have atm.

But most important thing, what is your end goal?

Like, if you had every single thing ingame, how would you build it?

Do you have any particular dmg type in mind or do you want everything? because it is easier to find RR (resistance reduction) for specific types rather than everything. Are you going for bleed perchance?

What do you want to absolutely keep? I would guess Moggy the wolf?

Also, is it just for campaign or do you intend to farm the crucible?

Do you want to kill Mogdrogen/Ravager or is it fine if the final build finds them hard/impossible?

Do you want something lazy and easy to play or would anything do even if it is difficult?

What I am asking, I guess is; What is your Vision for your build?

Oh…and many thanks again.

From my past experience with Forums and MMO’s i did not expect such friendly and helpful people…thumbs up

@Maya…Hmm…i was told my father was quite active…so maybe a lost brother :wink:

My “plan”

I play mostly campaign, from time to time i go and have some fun at the cruible but for me the true GrimDawn-Fun is the campaign. Aside from Van Helsing this is the only A-RPG that i played through…and the only one that i played more then once. It would be nice to bet everything…no idea if it would hurt my pride to beaten all the time by some enemys :slight_smile:

I would like to keep
Devotian: moggy, shepheards Crook and if possible the Huntress
Skills: Curse, Biathorn, Primal Bond, Modrogons pact

Eqipment wise my “only” goal was a Beastcaller Set to get a 2. Biathorn, otheerwise no plan :slight_smile:
Pysical+bleed but i didn’t know how to really do it with pets so i stacked all flat +damage and + %all damage i could get :undecided:
The Vision was a “Pack”-druid that follows the more destructive Side of nature, rpg-wise i could give up hellhound completly because i don’t fit the theme really.

Lazy vs difficult
Hmm…what is difficult for you^^
imo i have 1 debuff, 1 buff, 2 skills for Dev. proc’s and 2 timelimited summons i use activly…then movment, resummon, healing and maybe special potions for some enemys…that keep my quite busy if i fight a Boss or a difficulty group with several heros. I might be able to handle one or two more active skills but nothing more.

I have several that would be better…like bysmiels Binding but i only have around 30-50 of most of them that i didn’t wan’t to waste them before i had Lev. 90+ items. I only used the Emeralds and the plating because i have so many of them


I was hoping Sig would have popped up by now and written that guide, but meanwhile I might have made something that might work. I say “might” because it is untested, but I tried to stay within your criteria. Btw, this is for when you get all the stuff required and reach lvl 100. (this one uses healing totem, providing heals for you and your pets at the cost of some pet hp)

You can still have huntress if you want, but if that is not a requirement I think this might be better.

Now you will see that the items are all legendary, but before that discourages you know that the hardest items to get ingame aren’t the purple ones but the green ones with good affixes, like Salazar’s sovereign blade. Also if you are open to trading, plenty of people will be willing to trade or even give away purple items so don’t worry too much about that.

Also, to answer your question of what is difficult for me, if it can’t clear everything ingame including Mogdrogen/Ravager/Gladiator Crucible etc while half asleep, it is too difficult for me :p.

Probably won’t happen until the weekend, but it will be focused on using Familiar because it’s a beginner’s guide and if you don’t already have items, Familiar is by FAR the easiest to gear for. Faction rings + Salazaar’s alone gives +6. Even without Will of Bysmiel it’s really good, and the Eldritch Conduit with Familiar prefix performs is surprisingly close Bysmiel.

If you don’t care about clearing the Crucible on Gladiator difficulty, you have tons of flexibility. Gladiator is much much harder than anything else, so it requires some degree of specialization.

Also, I forgot to mention this earlier - the vender in the Ancient Grove sells random non-mythical blueprints, and can sell the blueprint to make the non-mythical Beastcaller’s Cowl. Given the equipment you have, it’d probably be worth farming that dungeon for a little bit, including stopping at that vender very time in hopes of getting that blueprint. You’d probably pick up some other useful gear drops in that place too. He sells the same blueprints on every difficulty, so if you can’t farm it on elite, you can try normal.

I really like your frist Skill/item-Setup…this should be a good guidline/goal to aim for. I am unsure about the Devotionchange, the Debuff is very strong but only proc’s on a crit and the tradeoff are quite a number of passive petbuffs because the blade and the Watcher dont have petbuff. Is debuffing really that strong/important for Ultimate?

Thanks for the Tipp, i noticed this allready for myself and i did the grove some times allready on Elite but to be honest i am still a bit lost with crafting, unsure what is worth crafting but i will just test it.

Oh…and sorry for ninjaing my own thread…but i found nice Obisdian Physical->Chaos-Axe today and had the idea of a 2H-Chaos/Vitality Witchblade.

Only for theocrafting…would you choose


ot this


Sorry again, the idea just wandering through my Mind :slight_smile:

Watcher is mainly for providing the player with some DA. But it can be ignored if you prefer. (Without Watcher:

As for Blade, yes RR (resistance reduction) is very important.

An example:

Avatar of Mogdrogen in Ultimate has 90 physical resist.
Say your pets hit him for 10,000 physical damage. Without any RR you are doing 1000 dmg only. (We are ignoring armor for this particular conversation, but it also reduces physical damage per hit).
Now, with 10% RR, you are instead doing 2000 dmg. In other words doubling your dps.
The extra -32% from Blade would mean an extra 3200 dmg.

Don’t worry about your pets not criting, you have plenty of pet OA. And you can always bind it to Murder Kitty, aka, Primal Spirit if Chillmane doesn’t crit for some reason.

EDIT: Finally tried out my build. I liked it enough to make a thread about it. Here;

Unfortunately, Whichblades are outside of my familiarity zone so someone else will have to help you there :frowning:

Yes…allready saw it :slight_smile:
I was quite happy that the “brainstorming” wasn’t wasted and that the coreidea/Vision was something one could really work with…or at least someone knowing enough to make use of it:p

Still need to shuffle the Devotions a bit around until i find something i really like, maybe is it even possible to use Mogyy+Spring Maiden if it is usefull to go towards order a bit.
I remember reading a older guide about Ressdebuffs&damgestacking from DaShiv as i started playing, think i need to read it again to remember what debuffs stack and wich Way they stack^^ i completly forgot that -% Debuffs can be stacked while -Xdebuffs can’t.
Anyway, many thanks for your help…the path isn’t set in stone but i have no a clear idea what the Char should be. Your help was really valuable…without you the poor Dark Druid would have been erased :wink:

And for the 2H-Chaos-Witchblade, may be best to start another Thread do avoid mixing it up.