Help needed for improving the quality of the Loot!

Could someone with knowledge of the many many decompressed GD files please be so kind to inform a modding-noob (not an ARPG-noob though! :slight_smile: which specific GD files I have to concentrate on altering if I ONLY want to make a ā€œlittleā€ mod that increases the general QUALITY (and thus not exaggeratedly the overall QUANTITY ā€¦ like in the ā€œEasier Combo Mod/Insane Lootingā€ mod by chn10151) of the loot drops, i.e. significantly more green ones ā€“ even at the relative low levels ā€“ plus a notable raise in blue ones too including at least 1 guarantee blue dropping from defeating say every 2nd or 3rd Hero Monster???

The reasons for wanting this mod asap is that my personal biggest gripe with GD in is present vanilla form (1.03 playing the GOG version) is that the loot and thus Crateā€™s own loot settings is badly skewed ā€¦ as in It Sooooks!!!, bigtime!!! As evident of a couple of personal observations of playing this game on Veteran SP/MP with close to 10 different characters since its official release:

    1. Aside from a general scarcity in GOOD green non-quest-related drops most glaringly: Way too few blue drops!!! ā€¦ and those which drop are quite often either copies or near identical copies of previous runs with other characters i.e. ā€œBonesnap Gavelā€, ā€œCruel Edgeā€ and ā€œFlamebreakerā€ (in The Depraved Sanctuary) is 3 recurring ones that comes to mind at the lower levels, or MANY of especially the blue ones ā€“ ready or close to ready to-use-when-they-drop requirements wise ā€“ are not really strong, durable or otherwise attractive enough to use compared to your current level and even some non-blue ones when you do happen to get them!!!
    1. I thus often find myself BUYING the vast majority of my gear upgrades, especially at below level 40-50, ā€¦ from money/iron I donā€™t have BTW (i.e. Iā€™m forced to money-cheat to being able to buy them)!!! Either that or if playing it clean I frequently find myself playing for hours with practically the same gear and first and foremost the same weapons ā€¦ while only keeping perhaps 4% or less of the vanilla loot that actually drops!
    1. And also worth mentioning is that itā€™s my understanding from reading various GD forums throughout most of 2016 that quite a substantial number of players have experienced the ehhhh ā€œmisfortuneā€ of literally having played played this here game like forever and/or progressed real far into the game on Veteran difficulty or higher without and/or before ever finding as much as 1 Legendary!

PS: Yep I know that presently diligent modders are working w.i.p. on rather big mods that will also include changes and improvements to the loot, and others are currently working on combining the much hyped ā€œLegendary CAP Removerā€ with the ā€œEasier Combo Mod/Insane Lootingā€ mod, but honestly Iā€™m not personally looking much forward to that particular release as while I find the first one super interesting with the slick camera/fog/attack range improvements as well as it being generally much more challenging than vanilla, it does eventually tends to become hmmmm ā€œseriously STRESSfulā€ and overly difficult constantly getting swarmed by a MAXIMUM spawn of champions (and their mobs), especially in indoors areas and also progressively at higher levels. Also really just dislike the crazy raise in movement speed on items. As for the latter the main turn-off for me in that mod is simply again that itā€™s creator chn10151 went way overboard with the quantity of loot dropping imho, meaning the game tends to become a lot less of a fluently moving experience as you constantly find yourself stopping to analyse the sheer ABUNDANCE of loot, here there and everywhere.

I can cover a bit of this as in prep for my Item Expansion Mod, Iā€™ve worked through how loot is generated.

Each monster has a set of equipment defined for them, some with weapons or armor, or both, and usually a set of misc items that can be potions or just random armor that has a chance of being equipped. It is on each monster that the chances of items to be ā€˜normalā€™, ā€˜epicā€™, or ā€˜legendaryā€™ are defined. It is here that you can adjust the chances of each being selected.

As for Greens vs Yellows, that is handled a bit differently since affixes determine them in most cases; some items are green by default but still get affixes. Each loot table for items below Epic rarity of a set of weights to determine if the item dropped has a normal affix, a rare affix, one of both, double rares, no affixes, or is broken and unusable. By tweaking these numbers, you can determine how often the Rare (and thus green) affixes get rolled on to item.

As for boring or unchanging Epics, I am looking to improve upon that in my Item Expansion mod. Going to be starting a thread on that shortly.

I See! Thanx for that info Wayback ā€¦ and looking forward to your Item Mod + accompanying new thread.