'HELP' : Simple Point & Click Interface

I am trying to make a character that is focused around Two-Handed Ranged Physical Damage.
Basically I just want a normal soldier fighting his way through the Grim Dawn with his trusty Rifle so I’m focusing on Phys, Pierce, Crits, & Attack Speed to get the job done.

I believe I’ve hit my limit so far having only just raced forth to Homestead with a level 29 soldier.

I have:
12/12 Markovians advantage
8/8 Decorated Soldier
1 Zolhands Technique
1 Fighting Spirit
1 Cadence & 1 Fighting Form

I am tempted to put more points into Fighting spirit, but I don’t like the idea of the double length cooldown.
My question is where should I be throwing the 30 skill points I’ve accrued debating my next C.O.Action into more of the soldiers tree or should i instead pick up something like shaman (it will keep pushing up my 2hand ranged damage, but doesn’t really keep it on the pure phys line)?

Devotions not an issue at the moment nor items, I just need some skill allotment advice.

I suggest picking up the Demolitionist tree since you’re mainly going for Physical damage. Use Fire Strike + Explosive Strike as your default attack instead of Cadence, it’ll help with your clear speeds.

For attack speed, Squad Tactics and Vindictive flame are worth investing points in.

I recommend leaving Fighting Spirit at level 5 for decent proc chance and that good chunk of % All Damage and OA boost. I’d also focus on getting Oleron’s Rage as soon as possible.

Why not dump more in to Cadence-Fighting form like you say? I’m currently at 42 with a Witchblade. I’ve dabbled with my 2nd weapon set being dual pistols with ATK speed from vindictive flame and when combined with Falcon procs it’s damn effective. With a Rifle obviously you’d have less procs so YMMV.