Help somebody that doesn't play much

Just looking for something so flashy i wont be able to see my screen for 90% of my playtime. (i know i may have to work up to that point) However, I’d like it to be a build that doesn’t require me to already have super great gear to get going. Preferably not a caster and preferably at least slightly tanky.

You’ll probably like a lightning and/or cold weapon user.

Shamans slinging lightning and Nightblades slinging cold are two effective ways of generating a lot of sparklies on the screen.

I recommend checking out the Build Compendium V and VI (might be a bit early for VI, so also check out V) to see what interests you.

Shamans slinging lightning generally find it a bit easier to make themselves tanky than a Nightblade slinging cold, in case that matters.

Thanks I’ll look around somebody was also suggesting a fire strike build not too long ago.