Help summoner build

Available in the FG areas; Temple of Osyr, Cairan Docks iirc.

Every kind of coarched wrath i drop is ok? or i need a specific one?

Any one will do.

Thank you very much

Medea u tyhink i wronged something in post? none PM me :pensive:

No. I’ve no idea how much trading happens in those threads. Maybe someone will.

Oki thanks

Medea,one question i’m farming a nemesis boss,you think there is any difference if i kill only him or if i change? The loot it’s total random also of recipes?

It is except for their special drops. You can also try farming the various vendors in the rogue dungeons for things like blueprints/recipes.

Many thanks :laughing: For now i m searhing my set head recipe

Anyone know if i can transmute a piece of set crafted? I wanna try to craft beastcaller helm and transmute it in another piece of the set.

i can use crucible,i usually do it for transmute,i just wanna know if it work also witth CRAFTED pieces or only with dropped one

Madea you know if is possible transmute a crafted piece in another piece of set?

Yes, as arcane_undo said, you can do it with crafted items. That’s probably the easiest way to do it since, providing you have the materials and cash to do it, you can craft lots of one item and then transmute.

Many thanks :pensive:

Many thanks to both you guys

Medea,just a question on drop.If i farm “forgoten god” zone i can also drop iems that on database are signed with “Ashes of malmouth”?

Yes, I think so. What the grimtools database notes is when that item was added to the game, i.e. in AoM or FG.

Ah many thanks

Maya with new patch build is same? Or any upgrade will come?
Ps i m near end gear i just miss relic,but in crucible lvl 150 i have many many problems with red bosses that run.They continue to chase me and hit sometimes i resist sometimes i die,pet never taunt them,any advice on play style or a video =D