Help with Defense

I’m starting over again after not playing for a while and working on a caster build of my own (though, it’s definitely been done before) and I’m having trouble when I play with my friends. We’re only on Normal + Veteran right now but I die so easily.

What are things I can do to fix this as a caster? I have the Mirror of Eroctes and Maiven’s Sphere of Protection but I’m still dying a lot while they’re able to tank most things as Warders.

You can show us your grimcalc, devotion and maybe gear so we can help you, there is not enough data in your post.

Sure, I can give my GrimCalc right now. But I’m not at my computer that has Grim Dawn on it right now so I’ll post that in a bit.

Sorry for all the imgur links. Wrapping them in IMG tags didn’t do anything…

could you show a grimcalc of your character at its current level and setup instead of the grimcalc on how you want it to be at lvl85? :slight_smile:

OMG, druid :frowning:

Your devotion does not match requirements, tree of life needs 20 blue.

You clearly need crowd control, OFF and grasping wines are two best CC skills in the game. I suggest you drop wind devils, they are terrible at targeting and it will save you points. Take elemental storm from Rhowan’s crown instead. I think Widow is also a better pick than Amatok, debuffs are generally superior to plain damage procs. You could get armor and DA points in Obelisk of Menhir, but will have to drop Tempest for that.

You have bad single target damage, PRM is terrible at that, storm totem also. Devastation could help you with that.

That hp is too low for your level. I guess its without the aura but still, get a few more items with hp. Your chest is no caster chest and lacks energy regen. You can also change rings, medal and gloves. Any of these can have hp. Look for gloves with cast speed instead of what you have.

My PRM Arcanist playing with a friend in Veteran is getting is ass handed to him also (I’m level 33 I think).

Low level Arcanist in MP Veteran will have trouble if they get the aggro on them. Usually we clear trash stupidly fast but when I see a star or two I take a step back and wait for my friend to take most of the aggro before spamming my PRM cause a fast moving boss will probably get to me and have a good chance of killing me before I drop him considering PRM single target damage is lackluster.