I’m new here and i know i come a little late to the party but i’m hoping that someone can help me, i’m on my first playthrough in grim dawn, playind in normal (veteran) difficulty and demolitionist (i can’t remember exactly why i choose this class because i started playing maybe a year ago but then i stopped for maybe 6, 7 months and now returned and decided to continue this game) i’ve come for help because sometimes i have the feeling that this build is weak, don’t know if it is because of the resistances but i noticed that some enemies can take my vitality pretty quick and sometimes it takes a while to kill them, if someone could point me in the right direction, some build that i could follow or what kind of weapons and armor i should look for i would be appreciated. i will leave here the link to my build (hoping that i do it right xD) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV19QnnV
Grenado is the one that makes more damage but as a long cooldown…BWC and grenado are probably the 2 that i like most, have to admit that i’m not using fire strike most of the time
I see, so I assume the caster demo is the one you’re playing right now. BWC is good leveling skill as it have big aoe damage and quite strong, so might as well focus on it and the thermite mine for resist reduction.
Regarding resist, its no wonder you’re easily dead as your resist is low enough (I assume you’re heading towards homestead at that level, so there is lots of bleed and acid mobs). The easiest to fix that would be to reach Respected status with the Devil Crossing, Rover, and Homestead, so by level 35 you can buy their faction armor which suits you best. Try to reach all resist to 50 by level 35, and 80 or more at level 50.
Oh remember this when choosing equipment, just because the item is blue or purple, doesn’t mean they’re better than green item. If you have outlevel your item by 10-15 level, there is a large chance that there is a better replacement and better dump those blue or store them is stash.
Sorry, forgot about that, i started act 2 recently, i don’t know homestead, but yeah, i think it’s acid or something like that, usually see green stuff from my enemies.
i’ll go to devil crossing and respec, i only have friendly with rovers and devil crossing for now don’t think they sell their faction armor…
Also forgot to say, i still have 7 devotion points, didn’t put anything there yet (also didn’t put all points in class nor attributes, that’s a bad habit that i have in all games xD) but talking about devotion, don’t know if i should put points now or should i wait, didn’t looked at that at the moment.
thanks for the help
yeah, but i only have “friendly” with them, 2250 points, need 3500 for “respected” how can i gain more points? keep defeating warden? or there’s other places besides the places from the act 1?
thanks, going to try devotion now
edit: already see that have to defeat cronley’s gang
@Ulvar1 I’ve been looking at the builds and i was thinking of trying your shieldbreaker build, it’s a little different from what i have now but it seems interesting, but i have some questions, you say that you use riftclaw slicer and this can be farmed in the Forgotten Gods DLC, but doesn’t it spoil the game if we go there now? or it doesn’t matter?
edit: i’ve played a little now, choosen oathkeeper as my 2 class and i’ve got to say not only i’m stronger but having lots of fun, Eye of Reckoning is awesome!
no not really, the FG DLC is like a stand alone thing. And if we were not supposed to go there like at any time, devs would not have made it accessible this early.