Help with loot tables

Hello everyone. I finally got everything working buy still the only issue I have, is not being able to understand how the loot chances work. I’ve searched the forums on end but I can’t seem to understand.

So: in “chest_heroloot_all.dbr”, for example, we have 6 loot tables, each with it’s respective lootChance, and 6 loot weights, some used, some not.

The lootChance is an array, but what does each of the 27 indexes refer to? How do I know what I have to modify to, say, increase epic drops, or reduce magic drops?

And how does the loot weights affect all this, what is their relation to lootChance?

Thank you very much. This is the only thing I’m having a hard time with.

27 is the number of total item drops. This is actually determined by a formula based on the players in the game, no nessecety for all 27 to be used.

The way you determine what is the first item drop is you take index 1 from tables 1 - 6, then based on the weight you determine from which table the item will drop. Chance for a table to be selected is: weight / total weight for that index acroos all tables

Here is a visual with % instead of weight

So, to be clear:

I have the six loot tables. If I set index 1 of loot1 to 100, and the index 1 of loot2-6 to 0, I should get a guaranteed drop from whatever items are set in loot-table1?

And then, if loot1 has weights of “epic” = 10, “rare” = 20, “magical” = 80, it means that what the guaranteed drop is, will be decided from that percentage (or weight)?

Question 1: yes
Question 2: yes. Infact everytime it comes to weight you use that formula to get the %: Weight / Total

Unless it comes to dynamic tables, those change the weight depending on the level. Chests are static so no worries about that.

Wait, I’m having another doubt, a simpler one.

How do I figure what tables have the epic items? Say, I want to only drop 10 epic items. I’m experimenting with “hu_miscall” and “hu_miscrare” but I’m only getting magical items.

Tables/Items files that are used for epic and legendiries have a “c” and a “d” in their names.

Table for all epics: records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscall_c01.dbr
Table for all legendaries: records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscall_d01.dbr