Help with my Acid DE Reaper

Hi everyone

So far this build is working well (cleared SR 50 pretty easily today, so far so good) I think I might have my second ever build worth posting.

However, I’m sure i’m forgetting about some piece of gear, or have weak points that are easier to fix than I thought. I’m also unsure my devotions are well-picked.

I need the hivemind of this forum to crank it up to 11 :slight_smile:

I also don’t know where to put my remaining skill points for that matter.

Here’s the build:

(Don’t mind the augments too much, I don’t have full rep with all factions yet with this character, so I’m using what I have access to for now)


RE is there for flat RR, DR and devotion proc. If I could get those elsewhere, I could do without.

Energy management and the lack of a third source of -RR are my main concerns with this build.

Please help me make this build the best it can be :slight_smile:

only when kills are made by RE, foul eruption wont apply otherwise

if you’re doing an acid build, you basically have to use a green to fix CC res
usually stoneplates, or MI legs or both, or a ring, but since CC res is basically non existent on acid items and devos it’s about the only option left

since your drain essence have no weapon dmg, i’d probably personally lean more towards master of death exclusive, and then try snatch the reaiming cast speed “elsewhere” if possible :thinking:

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I don’t know much about casters but how about this setup? Reaper, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I don’t know you got that medal legit or via GDstash but if you used GDstash I suggest you get the suffix ‘‘of Cabal’’ instead of ‘‘Blight’’. Uninterrupted channeling should be more prior than a proc. I understand youuse Deathguard to convert flat cold mod but how about forget that as side damage and use suitable gears to cover up your stats? And I don’t think Harbinger of Souls provide you any good here, except cast speed which is already hardcapped so Master of Death is better. With enough OA you can utilize %89 innate crit damage of DE which almost doubles your damage.

PS: Try to craft Amulet and Helmet with freeze or stun resist.


That looks very good, thanks a lot :slight_smile:
I was using dual scion of bitter winds at first… if I’m not using Deathguard, I might as well go back.

It was legit, but I do use GDstash, especially when trying to optimize a build to (hopefully) post it afterwards.

Actually I was using it because I liked the 3 piece bonus, and no other set made much sense… so I might as well throw in the last piece for the cold conversion. I’m totally open to a setup not using it at all :slight_smile:

Yes. I think I wasn’t hardcapped with my setup, so I had to go to Harbinger. If the changes you propose allow it, I’d much rather have Master of Death.

Thanks a LOT :slight_smile:


Oooohhh… darn

Thanks for pointing it out. At this point, would you rather use Ill Omen for DR and spend those points elsewhere ?
Maybe get flat RR from Manticore instead ?

Gotcha. thanks. I wish I knew about those idiosyncracies of the game… didn’t know Acid builds had that specific weakness… I guess they all have some weak points, but they are not obvious. Than you very much.

Yeah, I tried, and resorted to fixing it with Harbinger… The gloves I use are really good with DE, but I believe gloves are a prime source of cast speed… so it’s a hard choice…

Hopefully @fordprefect 's tweaks will fix that :slight_smile:

we can get cast speed elsewhere :wink:
ex can be plopping a few more points into Pneumaitc burst (also increases OA a little more)
another devo that has cast speed; ex could be since you might think of another flat RR source Revenant could possibly come into play
another ring with more cast speed, and voila; no need for glove swap
(this is assuming there isn’t a better weapon (or offhand) that at the same time also has more cast speed)
*oh yea, depending on resist sorted you also have the final option of speed component in medal ofc, tho that is ofc a bit more “out there”

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I first think the Magi Armor that provides both CC resists and cold>acid conversion but it requires 1035 physique and I think spirit dump here should provide more damage than some flat. You can also use Venomancer’s Raiment that also have ele>acid conversion but couldn’t be sure about it’s granted %25 chance %250 Acid Damage works for non WD skills. Also forgot that scepters are also craftable so you can craft them with CC resists aswell.

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@fordprefect also has Revenant in his setup, so it kills 2 birds with one stone :slight_smile:
And also has Pneumatic burst maxed… It’s almost as if you guys knew that game in and out. LOL

What you are both proposing sound like a MASSIVE improvement so far, I can’t wait to try it out :smiley:

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What is your opinion on using Ill Omen vs RE for DR source ?
Considering neither will do significant damage anyway

Hmm, if you ask me, decide that depending your final setup and single target sustain. Because RE is a good proccer for Wendigo(means better sustain) but it also requires more frequent use of skill = more interruption to DE. Ill Omen provides more reliable DR since after you cast, monster doesn’t have to get to hit by it for it’s duration. Ill Omen is also a good proccer in crowds but pretty bad againts single target. You can also use Manticore(I don’t like it since it requires a very good proccer) and bind it to RE for more damage but then what to bind Wendigo that I don’t know.

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same as ford
DR ill omen provides higher amount,
but it’s a shitty shitty single target proccer like in SR boss room
so if you need a good proccer, RE is it
make the consideration of “RE interrupts” vs “omen proc rate” when you have your “final” setup and devotion attachments lined up

actually looking at Ford’s GT there is so many bonus points to Decay it ends up providing more DR than it can get on ill omen, so in this particular case RE also provides higher DR
^with Ford’s current GT there is a 1.3 sec longer duration on ill omen than the 4seconds of RE, so it’s basically just 1sec interrupt you save by using omen in this case
which is a worse proccer if you do SR/skeleton key dungeons/outside Crucible, and also provides you 3% less DR in this specific setup
so if you can manage to just keep using RE every 4secs instead of instantly when it’s off cooldown, on that setup i’d def use RE without any worries of the “RE interrupt” being too annoying

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That build can get 13/10 Omen that has 5.3 sec duration and %26 DR which is only %3 less than RE but you need to hit the enemy constantly with RE to reduce the damage permanently and some big roaming monsters move and change place too much(area also is too small) which creates an inconsistent DR application in crowds so Omen is better for defense even with less %DR but it’s my opinion. Most good CR pilots avoids using Omen at all cost :stuck_out_tongue:


ye, but i play mainly in SR, so my main consideration is boss rooms, where RE DR application would be totally fine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


For proc considerations, I still have Blade spirit with nothing bound to it right now. I’m mostly looking at DR.

I’ll test out both :slight_smile:

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always the best approach :+1:
what one player is used to or likes might feel “awful” for another :sweat_smile:

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Shouldn’t you be using Gravechill? The total damage modifier is worth losing some aether converted to cold. You have (almost) the same rr for both acid and cold anyway.

Edit: I used @fordprefect’s link for the calculations
Oops just noticed you were originally using it, leaving this up anyway :rofl:


that’s some serious nerding out there for doing a build :astonished:

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I am

I don’t know exactly how or why, but it boosts my damage tremendously, even without conversion. :slight_smile:

I’m still a bit unclear on if skill modifiers like this count as conversion or not, to be honest.

BTW, that’s a pretty insightful chart here, thanks for doing this.


This is what it looks like now:

Implemented a lot of the suggestions I got, and this is just plain better on almost all fronts.
Thanks !

I’ll keep tweaking and improving, and will likely post it in the near future :slight_smile:


speed is fine, hp is fine
suggest using mark of the traveler in boots for that final slow res :ok_hand:

also image on your build coming together

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